{Thursday, October 29, 2009 , 11:40:00 PM} HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA! May you have a blissful days with your beloved family always, forever :D Glad to know you.. such a wonderful and fun-going mother. GOD BLESS YOU. And i'm super excited for tomorrow's Art Camp !! {Wednesday, October 28, 2009 , 11:48:00 PM} Birthday celebration for Yana, Hadi & Kamal!! So sex-cited :D Everything went so well, just like what the three mastermind has planned earlier. Phew! And their face reaction was what we wanted to see the most, esp from Yana hahahaha! She somehow merajuk because she thot she have no proper birthday celebration. Oh dear, how can we forget that. No way! We planned like 2 weeks before for all this :) And you don't know how bad i felt when i get to know that you merajuk for this.. i felt really bad okay! Ask Lee and Joe. But afterall, it's a surprise mah.. so must tahan abit. Hope the three of you love this surprises because i loved it so much. Actually i felt jealous lor because they have a celebration with friends around. How i wish ahhaha! So that's why i feeling2 like me celebrating for my belated birthday haahaa!! :) The three mastermind. LOVE ♥ BIRTHDAY TWIN ! {Sunday, October 25, 2009 , 10:22:00 PM} MY COOLEST FRIEND, KAMAL.. HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY! And MY DEAR GIRL, YANA.. HAPPY 18th BIRTDAY! ♥May the two of you have the best and memorable day.Be happy & have your fullest fun.. continue achieving your dreams alright. Never ever give up because nothing is impossible in this life. Work hard for it eventhou you have to go thru the hardest times. And that is when you will feel the real satisfaction. Allah bless you :) { , 3:58:00 PM} Yesterday was another happy day for me. Uh huh! I still feel the happiness about yesterday..still smiling recalling funny moments with my friends. Joe said he will come over to propose me & his Korean ascent LOL. I had fun! :) Went PS to meet my hot yet heat boify Lee Min Ho! But i'll save about this later. So angry! Had lunch at Mac, but with suprises from SimSim. Belated birthday celebration. Aww.. so sweet! The card was what i wish for.. mcm tau2 aje dia nie. And he bought for me Prudge Brownies, my favourite & it's BIG!!! Shared with friends.. i just love the feeling, sharing with them makes me simply happy. And I almost cry.. tears of joy of course. Thank you.. sayang awak! . . . . . . . . Now let me vent my heartbreakin' here. It dishearten me very much and such HUGE disappointment of not seeing Lee Min Ho, even a glimpse yesterday. Atik know what i meant, she know how i felt that point of time. How could they cancelled the event? :'( I went thru all those roller coaster between those crazy fans, from way back to the front of Etube house.. perspiring like toots and etc. Urgh! Irritating okay. Thanks to the fans for not listening to those sickening bouncers' instructions. I still can't get over it lor.. but for security & safety concerns, they have to. I understand that because i was there, witnessed how horrible and overwhelming it was. Crazy fans! And Q got his file..sent him off from airport this morning :( Best nyerrr! (jealous tone). Nevermind, he promised to drop by again with better organised schedule. Make it soon alright min ho! :) Yesterday's management was freaking effin' suckxx. Darn them with such a lousy management and irritating bouncers. Tupid tupid!! {Friday, October 23, 2009 , 9:27:00 PM} Champion for Performing Arts Challenge '09... From EIT School! Congratulations!! You guys deserved it for your every week rehearsal :) Last Monday had Performing Arts Challenge for Business School. As coordinator, Kamsani & Me, tried our best to make all turn out smoothly. Alhamdullilah everything went so well. I would like to thank(s) to all my performers who participated. And to staffs for the very lively item and i super enjoyed it! Didn't know Ms Ida joined too.. cute la you! So, as overall.. we had two best performers ; Soul Percussion (AHS) & Fresh Element (EIT). Overall champion is EIT School. Congratulations! From Business School. (above) Thankyou so much! You people did well :D Nice knowing/meeting you all. Keep in touch. LOVE. {Wednesday, October 21, 2009 , 11:32:00 PM} {Saturday, October 17, 2009 , 11:47:00 PM} 17th October ; Impak Maksima The Musical Ohman! I love musical so much, so how can i resist this too, right? Wanted to ask Ms Elfa regarding Impak Maksima.. bring Cemta people to watch this, but she sound me first :) she didn't get to finsh her question.. i straight away answered YES! So... actually my day started with such a bad way. Maybe because i cramped all to myself that it was about to burst out. My mood was kindda disturbed since yesterday, then this morning brother trying to be funny with me.. that i yelled at him. Then i cried eventually. So.. i asked Atik to accompany me to Orchard since she wanted to check out on something. Then meet Yana soon after. Thanks girls for accompanied me! lovelove. Sorry eh aku ni cerewet banyak heheheheh :D Then haunt for Nasi Ayam Penyet that Yana wanted. Gosh, my legs was begging for mercy. Atik's too. I wonder how that Yana can managed with her heels? Finally found after we searched all corners. That Surabaya's is power maut! Shall eat there again.. only after my throat have recovered. Then we actually ran and/or walked as fast as possible to Esplanade. LATE! The Musical was effin' awesome. So groovy! Cool shit, they drift on the stage summore *mouth open*. Just my luck to still have sore throat -____- This part was no fun cause i can't shout and laugh loudly. Too many hilarious scenes, too many coolshit scenes (drifting & dance scenes), too many romantic scenes too. But, me being me, i hack care with my sickness.. i still shout eventhou i have to cough (madly) after a second and, i still laugh eventhou my laughter sounded awful :) I don't care i don't care cause i want to enjoy myself. Atik said one of the scene was like the one i did for Raden Mas. Yeah like two years back? I wonder if there's anymore musical production.. i miss doing and get myself busy doing all this hahaha. Anyway, i just realised that i will confirm never missed to knock my head against the seat when i get too hyper. LOL DK OH DK ^.^ 16th October ; Marina Barrage Tour It was Friday, so as what stated on my new timetable.. no class(es) for my class. Gerek! But i came back to school for Marina Barrage Tour with other cemta-ians including few eurasian students/i dontknow them. We have to make friends with them (forced to). This was my first time visiting this place. If not, my first time will be for my birthday celebration, but was cancelled. So, i was excited laaa! Jaaakooonn i tell you! We did explore the gallery, the newspaper laa, about the water, how it works and so on and forth. Fret not, i didn't pay my attention to our guide who was explaining about Marina Barrage..hehes! Too busy takin' pictures pictures and more pictures. Once we reached at the top.. jeng jeng jeng!! "Ehh, ambil gambar ramai2 tau!" " K jom lompat pulak! "Amek gambar!!!!" HAHAHA! ![]() { , 1:19:00 AM} Lee Min Ho! I love looking at his charmin' face :) Heard he's coming over here on this 24th. H O T T Y *melting* . . . . . . Feeling sick again tonight. Vomited :'( Then this moodswing came along. Head pain and running nose is not kind to me again.. not forgetting throat as well. Oh please do behave urself. Allah, do let me get well soon. Amin. Anyway, been watching Korean's MV for past few hours to distract my mind? Cheer up abit abit and, maybe to have my own time alittle. I think i can be too much at times.. And in times, I must have been so bad too. Sumtimes, it would be easier to hide, And disappear. Goodnight. Mianhe. {Tuesday, October 13, 2009 , 11:01:00 PM} Friends have been very kind to me, always. Nevertheless, they also love to disturb me. "Wah suara sexy seh!" WAK LUUUU! HAHAHA! Teasing me with their step minah-rock-voice. And even more worst ask me to keep quiet whenever i talk and they say that i laugh like nenek kebaya?? *yakdush* Ewah melampau noh korang! Tkper nasib tau pujuk aku alek lau tak memang aku akan bisu ajee. Tau pun takut ehh.. hehe! Not to worry.. i know you love me so much deep down hehehe :) Thanks for looking after me a this period of time when i feel like dying :) lovelove ♥ Yesterday was the worst one. Shivering, felt so bloody cold. Totally feel like dying. I can't bring myself up to walk even for a short distance. Slept damn early. Taking medicine makes me feel even more sick.. not getting any better? Hais.. 38 °C. Coughin' is getting worse. I want my voice back :'( My world seems to be so quiet. I need doctor but iam too stubborn to go clinic. I don't want. On lighter note, i passed my FTT yesterday :))) Alhamdullilah. Took me a day and 1/2 to study everything. Yes, i studied in this condition (pity me). It was hard for me (VERY!). And i realised, i was the last few to finish. LOL! miss my friends {Sunday, October 11, 2009 , 3:57:00 PM} Spent the whole day at home. Don't worry i did nothing hahas. Just finished up what i have to do. Watched Bring It On 5 just now.. HAHAHA I know im kinda late by few months. Who cares. I love Cody Longo, he's just cute and Christina Milian.. way too HOT! Phewwitt! Thanks Khai for the DVD! loveyou. . . . . . . . . . Will be back to school tomorrow!! Before that.. my gpa results was so NOT what i expected. Drop and i was disappointed. Costing pulled my grades down. Damnit! So, only two modules to mug for this term. Jiayou! Jiayou! Still, I'm so sex-citing for tomorrow because will be meeting my friends after for a month holidays. I miss them lor. It surprised me that i do miss my classmates too. Uh'huh. Didn't get to meet them during holidays, minus Leana. Erm and Shana too. But Shana, coincidentally bumped into her at Orchard and we just didn't talk much. 'Hi hi Bye bye' only.. So i don't consider that hehehe. Especially my MrBean a.k.a MrAzmin here. I miss teasing him lor. He always sms me saying that he miss his favourite girl (which is, me) damnnn soooooo much. Till he dreamt about me. Goodness, mimpi yang bukan2 pulak tu dakni. For two time somemore and he likes it? Ewww! *yakdush* Nevermind, make sure you come tmr hor!! Must come cos i want to disturb youuuu! And I miss bestfriendsssssss the hell alot :D I miss my dancemates.. my lunch time clans especially. I miss having Atikah and Yana around during training. It feels a little different without them, frankly. So yeah, their attachment ended and they will be back for training again. Hurrayyyy! Lame tak lepak tempat kegemaran kite tu, Level 3 :) Hahas. Random pictures. I miss you all. See you guys soon. XOXO {Saturday, October 10, 2009 , 11:15:00 PM} Since movie plan was cancelled, and i really want to go out.. i decided to go to Syafiq's open house at Bedok. Before that, headed to Tampines for window shopping. Lucky Yana and Lee went too. Hunger strikes so zooomm to Syafiq's house. Meet Atikah over there. I miss this two girls alot! And after chit chat for awhile, had alittle fun with Syafiq's nieces and nephews.. we off to Tamp again. If not gonna catch movie, but hahas tak jadi. So shopping with the girls :D So fun! Yup, with our kurungs hor! HAHAHA! ![]() This is Insyirah a.k.a Betty Boop. Serupa kan dorang!!!! Ngok laaa posing pon bukan main lagi hahahas! She just sooooooooooo cute :) . . . . . . . . . I'm sick :( Sore throat and my body start to ache all over due to training i guess. Bali dance some more. Wahhhh! Badan leh patah seh. Vomitted again this morning.. dont feel good. Hais so sian. School reopen soon and I'm here start to get sick, BOO! :/ Btw, I think i need to change my blogskin and blog's songs too. Suddenly sick of it.. I'm bored with it. Need to change asap. Raya pun da abes ape lagi nak lagu2 raya hehes. What's for tomorrow? Will see how it goes.. Goodnight. And... Lo echo de menos :) {Friday, October 9, 2009 , 11:06:00 PM} Stomp (at Esplanade) was a hell awesome. Gerekly cool-ness, and i superly lovin' it. Got to meet up with peoplesssss who i have not see for quite some time due to holiday. So, like so called reunion but not for long. Mostly, didnt get to sit with Atikah Khai and Yana. Uh'huh felt the different thou'. First time lorr.. so far from them. Can only hear their laughter frm my seat hahs. Anyhoos, I had so much great time laughing and admiring the beats. Just f-awesome! And few parts was hilarious.. so yes, i'd laughing my ass out too ;D Not untill i realised i misplaced my jacket. Goodness, that really freak me out for a moment. Went for report, but the person said nothing was given to them as an item found. I almost tears i tell you! BUT lucky, i got it back. Before we left.. they said they've found it. Alhamdullilah. Truly happy :) That was yesterday. Super fun but didnt hang out much with friends who i misssssss alots. And Atikah too, she went off early. Never mind will meet them when school reopen. So for today, nothing much. I finished up watching Smiley Pasta. Like finally! As always, happily ever after, the hero saves the beauty :) The girl, like i said before/Khai told me, so blur-ish like me -______- BLUR ABES! Betul sotong dia macam aku HAHA! But very sincere.. and cute *peace* I like this drama..and i'd cried oo! Touching, esp the part when the girl in coma. Then the parts when the guy always rescue her frm all harm. Awwww, suke suke! So man!! I wonder if i were to be at the girl place.. will my guy do that too? Protect me always and full of surprises hehes. But in this drama, the guy really put his pride first, so egoist lor. Menyampah pun ade ahahas! Nasib la kau ni handsome, da la tuh.. lau senyum, caaiiiiiirrrrrr beta ;) So lau kau uat aku geram ke marah ke, cekik darah aku pon.. insyallah aku tak akan lari nyee. Pandai sangat amek hati i. HAHHAA. {Thursday, October 8, 2009 , 1:19:00 AM} Amira get thru the next round. Alhamdullilah. Go girl! So, after for so long not meeting those kakak(s) & abang(s).. finally, met them today :) It was a last minutes. Suddenly felt like going for SingaporeIdol after my training (end at 5pm) so i asked if there tickets left. Rushed back home and zooommmm to Water Loo St. Abg Adel sent me, and met KakHuda. Waited till they finished their rehearsal, at 8pm? Haha, yup! We was extremely late lor. Rushed there like F1 race.. and we actually had little fight with the uncle taxi in the middle of the road. Stupid uncle! KakHuda really gave big words to him. I like! Crazy uncle! Nasib tak accident siot. I took down his plate number cos he took KakHudas'. LOL Tak takut la eh! Hmph! Zoooommm to Mediacorp but we missed Amira's part. When we reached was Sezairi turn. Sat at the back because we was really late, only after the show ended we moved at the bottom with the rest. Fun time screaming, and i love doing this because all my stresssss will be vanished ;D Had dinner at Newton. Fulermak.. Shiooook beb! Insyallah will meet them again soon. Reached home around 1am+? Gosh, hahas.. naseb ade orang tumpang alek ;) To my other friends i met at Mediacorp, sorry if i were like 'hi hi-bye bye' only after the show. I was in rush. So sorry I feel bad. Tomorrow will be another tiring day. Will be in school frm morning till evening. From there, off to Esplanade. STOMP here i comeeeeeeeeeeeee ! I miss you but, i still mad with yoouuuuuuuuuu hor!! {Tuesday, October 6, 2009 , 11:34:00 PM} Training today was abit stressed up. Alot of work need to be done. Not easy hor. So stress but at least, today.. almost all was settle. Phew, perah otak jap aku. Stress. Haunting for Lee's pants. Wahliao wey.. frm Bedok to Bugis and back to Bedok. Mampos. Have but no size -___-'' buat penat tawar harga hurhur! You too small laa bro.. hehs! Off to Tampines after our long rest. Anyway, thanks lee for the treat, Pretzel! :) By the way, i really want to watch 'Fame' so much. BUT most of my friends have watched it! Urghhhh! Bagus la tuh. By right, planned to watch with Khai Zie and the rest laa, but again, they already watched :'( iam so so soooo sad. Sedih la sangat-sangat.. orang nak tgk nie tapi sume da ngok. Boo :/ Anyone want to watch with me? Anyone? Anyone? {Monday, October 5, 2009 , 10:34:00 PM} Instead of accompanied Leana for her interview..we went Bugis and slack at Starbucks Suntec. I knocked my head against the chair. Very hard one because i was too happy when NRKM msged Leana. I was playing and teasing her, then suddenly this accident happened. -___- Serve me! On the way home, in train, another shit happened. My luck to meet you twice and *toots* you for wink-ing at me. Middle finger as a gift to you. BODOH! Just not my day. And since evening, iam mad for no reason. Hateit. {Sunday, October 4, 2009 , 11:53:00 PM} Saturday. I thought i have no plans. I thought i could stay at home and finish up watching Pasta drama. Have 2 more dics to go. But when i woke up, i have 4 invitations. Wahhh! Binggung jap aku. But ALL cancelled. So, last minute met up with bff Leana. Intention to go Library also cancelled. Hais. Had take away dinner.. Burger King. HAHA we actually walked around Marina and Suntec. In the end we back to square one where we started LOL! Tulang belakang aku da la mcm nak tercabut.. lapar giler pulak tu. Finally, we found a perfect spot for the two of us. Where we can chit chat, watch commercial ads and camwhore :) Supposed Leana's date coming with us but he 'bubble' Leana laaa! Tsk. Kesian kawan aku tu, aku pon da semangat nak jumpe.. skali die cancel pulak. Baik! -___-'' tkper die yang rugi sendiri. Oh one more thing..i dont know how the hell a pearl (bubble tea's pearl) could end up under my foot! *toots* Aside that. (500) days of summer was good. It's a must watch movie! Thanks Leana for the treat. Erm not really treat laa, she got 4 free tickets frm her company so she asked me along. Another two gave away to other people. Damnnn, i like lor the movie! While watching, the movie reminds me of Yana hahaha. Don't ask me why. Romantic and hilarious. I remember that i laughed so loud for one scene hahs! Truly paisey. And another part, we two actually went silent. Senyap abes. After that, we back eating our popcorn LOL! Happened for most scenes that attract us the most *smiling*. Concentrate abes beb kwang3! Summer looks alot like Katy Perry. And i like the ending, the guy meet up with Autumn ;D Sayang kau Leana <3 Be strong. last day of work. {Saturday, October 3, 2009 , 12:46:00 AM} I do very much enjoyed my three days working. I told ya i missed working so, i had little-secret fun while doing my work with Farah at the back, my desk. Was alone for second day as Farah need to do some invoices, Lina too. Hm everyone was stressed with their works because they have to accomplish their target especially it was the end of September. All need to be clear up. As for me, chill je. I finished all my work before 3pm so mingled around and disturbed others. Apparently, they ignored me -___- Wanted to ask KakWani if there was anything i can do. But she seemed very busy, better don't. So decided to make friend. Helped Hatan with the bar code (Hatan: main-main tampal hehs!). Took my sweet time till time to knock off. Get to open my golden mouth talked to him, phew finally! I forced myself okay!! Eventually, we become 'closer'. Part ni Farah suke sangat kacau aku C H E T ! Oh.. we gossiped at my side with Hatan Aizzad while doing the bar code *swink* ![]() Meet up with KazD MBK & Q over at Bugis after work. Slept in the train. Shiok! Accompanied them shopping. I broke liao, no shopping. Then off to Haji Lane. Sheeeeshaaa but excluding me. I was only there.. slacked at the corner watching teevee & took pictures only :) Wahh bukan main sheeeeshhhaaa dorang. Macam2 posing hahs! I dislike smoking, so no sheeshaa-ing as well. And, sheeeeeshaaaa-ing is even more no good than smoking. Fret not, i enjoyed at the same time :) but not sheeeeeshaaaa . Third day was havoc. Done-ed all 60 books (left over) by 11AM together with Farah & Aizzad. No more work. Asked KakWani for another task. Me and Farah did the stock but Farah left me alone not even half way -___- So i did all 5 boxes alone. Make sure all books stated in the invoice received and need to arrange it. Wahh! But i finish it in less that 2 hours. Asked for another task. Check invoice.. original copies gave to her, then have to photocopy those have no duplicate. Done-ed again. 'Cepat nye uat keje, superwomen ker kau?' HAHA! Again asked Kakwani. Helped Aunty with pasting barcode. LOL! I took my very sweet time because i afraid KakWani might be pissed off with me.. keep asking her for new task hehs! Mengamok jugak die tuu. Over 100 hundreds books so it should be just nice for me to finish all and call it a day. But no. The last to finish.. nasib Cik Ani pun lom abes keje die ahas! Oh and we had celebration for Mooncake festival and Deepavali during our lunch time. Superbbb foods :D Aku maha lantak dan mencekik sume makanan. Rugi Lina tak datang keje (gi jln raya). Se-sedap to the max. Extremely delicious! In conclusion, i love working with them. Sadly, my three days has ended but i can continue if i want. Should i? Kak Wani wants me to come on this Wed Thurs Fri since i have school on Mon & Tues. Those makcik(s) also hoping to see me next week too, especially Lina&Farah. I want but, iam pack for next week. Gt audition and stomp also. Tsk. How eh? |