First day. {Wednesday, September 30, 2009 , 11:20:00 PM} Temporary Assistant at Ciciva. Firstday working was doing quite good. Easy thou'. Temporary Assistant at Ciciva Except that my comp giving me abit of urgh, hang laa.. jam laa.. lack laa. Macam2. Staffs there is friendly, esp my supervisor (KakWani). I meant real friendly and kecoh kind. Despite their age is way yearss different frm us (Me Lina Farah).. including Lina's twin, Liyana, i click pretty well with few of them already. Meaning, we four is the youngest in the department. I bet the rest like between late 20-50s? Really. No joking. Frankly, I missed working and I love doing Admin work. Have own table, desktop and Farah next to me :D Updating each other while doing our work. Hehs, tons of updates. And will confirm continue tomorrow. For sure. Tak akan habis punyee. So, thanks to Lina&Farah for calling me in the morning while i was sleeping like a LOG (ZZzzzz). Wanting me to accept working with them for 3days straight. Yeps, 3days but i will consider to continue. Had quick bath and zooommm to work. I tell you.. their shocking faces was kind of funny when they saw me. What not, i reached in less than an hour? Semangat keje beb! 'Kate pekerja tercontoh' x) Tapi muke basi gi keje kwangkwangkwang!! Kelam kabut seh. Macam ribut ni dua call aku. Dalah orang separuh bangun mase uat keputusan. Main iye ajer aku tadi. HAHA! Mostly, iam happy to meet my two girls. Really. Been so f-long. So tomorrow, will have breakfast with them & off to work together. Lunch time, maybe eat outside? Or shall i bring something frm home? Tapi costumes siapa pulak nak gi hantar pat Bibik bsk? Erm aku laa nampaknye tapi siapa nak temankan saya besok???? And shall i go watch movie tomorrow too? Because since morning i've been wanting to watch movie. Sorang? Tapi saya nak! Saya nak sangat2 ngok besok!! Bonne nuit :) ~ Raya ; Lanang Ayunda {Tuesday, September 29, 2009 , 2:08:00 PM} Raya-ing with Lanang Ayunda mates :D Started off from Iffah's house at Yishun and Jaz's house (Leen's bf) at Woodlands. I like Jaz's cousin so much, so-the-friendly laa. Tak sunyi seh rumah lau gini. I love talking to this kind of people.. Nxt year raya nak gi umah die lagi la gini. Make sure Leen and her bf last long :D AMIN. It was a very long journey. So, if i not sitting with KakBanie in the bus.. I took the time to replenished my energy. Too much of laughing and talking mostly :) Then down to Hougang. Afiqah's house. Then meet up with Yana at Hougang Inter after her work/attachment. And Syafiq too. He came back from Seremban just because he die-die want to join us.. wah, sanggup betol. Bused to my house. By then it was time for night prayer (Mahgrib) so, they solat at my house. The boys berjemaah at the living room. I love looking at people who solat jemaah.. The feeling so calm. The girls too. Then the girls went in my room for touch up, haha! Mane dgn blusher la eyeliner laa.. Kecoh ler korang! :D The boys over at my bro's room.. betol2 kan rambut dan samping. Off to Sengkang, Nana's house. Had roti kirai! Mengindam beb! Ate alot *peace* padahal 3keping je hehe! After that, we all cab-ed to Bedok, Zizie's house. Was syafiq's treat for 3 cabs. Let me repeat THREE CABS. Yeshh, he paid for all of us, good hor him. Oh wells, look whose partner mah *kening naik turun* Ehem2. Last house, Leen, at Tampines. Whaao, Spaghetti.. aku pon mengindam tu jugak! YumYum! Sedappppp oii. Slack for awhile watched TV and snip snap pictures. Alar, standard la we all. Favourite part gini :) Afterwhich, i cab-ed back home. Confirm no more bus by the time i reach Bedok or Tampines. Thou not much houses we covered but i do have tons of great time laughing my ass out with these fellas. And me being little crazy.. muka tak senonoh amek gambar, nenek jual keropok mlm2 hehe! Macam budak2 But i swear, my legs can't take it anymore. My heels can even peee-caaahh too. HAHA! What not.. Most of the time we ran after buses. Even after we alighted.. few seconds later we have to run after another bus. Aisey Bocapp uh, larriiii!! More closer and strengthen our bonds together. I loveyou all. To the rest, do upload pictures and our-raya videos too! Kecohhh la korang, aku sayang korang :D Just for you {Sunday, September 27, 2009 , 11:14:00 PM} Sometimes we see things that aren’t meant to be seen. Sometimes things aren’t always as they seem. Sometimes we need someone to call our own, Especially when we’re alone. Sometimes people just can’t understand, Why things get out of hand. Sometimes life just isn’t fair, Especially when people just don’t care. And sometimes it's hard to say, Why things have to be this way. Sometimes it’s all you can do to get by, Especially when dreams continue to die. Sometimes it’s nice to sit in the rain. Even to just relieve the pain. And when we’ve had a really bad day, Sometimes we just need to get away. We never know what’s wrong with out pain. Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. And sometimes when people get hurt, Even the strongest ones may need to be comfort. 'Iam sorry for being mean, making you cry all nights long from the stress you have. I'm sorry to make you feel betrayed, hurt and not understand you like what you've said. I dont want to say about what i feel, because always what you feel is much important to me. I'd tried all, but all seems to be wrong in your eyes. And lately for some reason, we've been too much of cold. I never dream/ came across my mind things would have become this bad for real. You often say i've cut you with a knife, but for me, I only want the best for you, within your life. I never meant for you to feel like this. At times, i wonder when will you give me the time to explain for that some reasons, or that makes you mad. If so, either you won't listen or take all as excuses. Everything just so wrong to you. You are making me worry. Am sorry if im not the kind of friend that you are looking for. ' Raya ; Cemta-ians { , 9:56:00 PM} Went Raya-ing with few of Cemta-ians. But as we visit from house to house, from 14 people left with only the few of us. Just to make it short and simple. Had fun times at Yana's crib, open house. Out of all houses we visited, we spent almost 3 hours there. Eating, laughing and mostly karaoke-ing :) GREAT! They also forced me to sing -.- I don't sing in front of people one you know. So consider yourself lucky. HAHA, prasan aku! Suara macam katak panggil hujan beb! Off to Haicurl's house. His grandma's nasi briyani was marvelous, the chicken, FUYOO!! Then to MsHaslina, Elah and Kassim's house. Only planned to visit few houses only. So it was a relaxing visiting. No rushing. SIM Performance {Friday, September 25, 2009 , 10:20:00 PM} (Jatuh yer Fliq? HEHES ! ) Yesterday's performance at SIM went so well. Despite, me was not that really confident with the steps initially. I stressed myself for the past two days to get every steps. Stressful! Alhamdullilah i get all at the very last few hours and seriously, everyone was super great :) Okayyy, silly me for suddenly lost the confident during performing. Not because of the steps but other thing. Funny! Smile will do the tricks :D The rest, Hip hop dancers, Guitar Ensembles and Daiko was superb as well. ![]() Then went Ehub watched Phobia with SimSim and his bestfriend, MBK. I thought this two boys can at least be brave enough, but i was wrong. Takleh harapan betol. Terangkat kaki yer SimSim ;D HAHAHA! Haiya.. takleh harapan betul nie dia. Quite scary laa i tell you. I hate the sound effect, the ghost's voice/or whatever it called. Scary mary. Closed my ears and covered face too. Chet, bodoh nye citer uat orang terkejut aje hehs! I love the last story, FUNNY! I dont know if i should laugh or scream at one time :) For me, i prefer to watch horror movies at cinema.. aru ade feel beb! Like what happened yesterday. Abes kelakian dan kewanitaan sume orang *laughing loudly*. Afterwhich, slack-ed at Pasir Ris Park. Actually it's been ages i last went there, as in, sit down.. relax and chill. So, we three had good time together laughing at each other's mistakes , sharing opinions from one topic to another and so on and forth. Best pulak macam gini. Nana suke sangat-sangat :) But it seems time fly so fast. We headed back home. Always happens ; When we are having so much fun, time will forever envy us. For today, stuck at home since im not that well since yesterday. When out for while in the morning. Before that, i heard someone wailing loudly around 7.30am. As a 'concern neighbour', i went to check out what happened. I thought there was a fight at the next block.. so I scanned each houses. To my surprise, i saw someone lying unconscious on the ground. With two of her maids crying at her side. Aisey! No wonder la. So again, being a 'concern neighbour' i watched and waited patiently for what happened next :) But not too long because i got to go already. Spoilt betul hehs! Then i sat nearly 7hours in front of the TV, watching Korean Drama. Khai lend it too me because he said i must watch.. the girl really look like me. Not her appearance but her characters.. Very blur-sotong like me. Indeed lor! Total there's 6 disc.. around 3hours per CD. Im done with the 3rd disc now. Phew! Ilove the drama, and i love the bf too! The two brothers so caringgg like hell towards the blur-sotong girl(me). Lucky you. Protected from any harm. Lau la dpt bf gitu.. confirm tak cari lain punyaa Ahahs! Aww.. The bf just simply melts me away. Till i fell asleep -.- Can't wait to finish up the the rest of the cds. 'The hero saves the beauty'. Raya updating {Tuesday, September 22, 2009 , 3:22:00 PM} EXCITED when they get their green packets.. Sekejap-sekejap masuk bank.. da berat ker? HAHA! How can i not adore these kids, you tell me? Urgh! Geramsssss aku dengan budak-budak ni. Gigit kang.. HAHA ! Aunty love you all tau! :) . . . . . . . It's not easy to have this kind of meetup otherthan raya. So.. you see, i won't slip this precious moments with them. Nonetheless, i always do miss this atmosphere whereby, i could see my other families under one roof. Tears of joy, seek forgiveness and all. Not all came for the firstday but yes for secondday together with family from M'sia. I'm glad to meet them. Datang time aku tengah tido mcm balak seh korang! Hahss! I miss my little ones the most!! Seeing them running around and having fun among themselves spells JOY. Their laugter that makes this house filled with happiness. Not forgetting cousins gossiping at one corner too LOL! Yesterday ; Second day of raya. Raya-ing with not completed families yet.. 1 lorry 1 van and 2 cars. Managed to cover up 9 houses in total. By then everyone was totally shagged. Tetido-tido aku dlm van bile nak balik kwang3! And i love to go Chua Chu Kang because confirm got good-foods to eat and mostly, get chocolatessssss! There's variety to choose, i lov'in it! Anyway, my aunties keep saying that i lost sooo much weight. Eat moreee! Some said ''You're slim&tall like Tyra Banks'' -.- Aiseyy! Dulu Aishwaryarai sekarang Tyra pulak. Geee! Not one or two but more that five said that, mind you!! Not about Tyra but about me slim like bamboo. Aunty: Nana da kurus ehk sekarang. Ape jadi? Me: Slim? Orang da gemuk seh! Da TEMBAB ni hah! Tengok! Aunty: Tembab nana dulu lagi lawa. Nampak pipi naik biler senyum. Dimple pon boleh nampak lagi dalam. Sekarang kering ajee..hahaa! Kirekan skrg tak lawa ke Nana? HAHA! But i have to agree with them. I prefer my ol' chubby then now. Abeh lau makan naik ke pipi bukan badan aje, macam mane seh? Nanti kepala berat pulak abeh badan sekeping LOL! Nevermind about that. Maybe i too overwork with school stuffs that's why iam slim me-lim :) Hardworking mah what to do *smiling* Uncle from M'sia have went back home in the afternoon after jalan-jalan at geylang. It sad me when we didnt get to visit Nenek today :( Most of us start working and schooling already. Was so excited but cancelled. Sedih la sangat. Uncle should have come on the first day of raya so that we all can spend more time together & more house to finish up. I hope you could share this greatest moments with us from up above. You're truly missed, nenek :'( SELAMAT HARI RAYA SEMUA! {Sunday, September 20, 2009 , 1:50:00 PM} Sempena Hari yang mulia ini, di Hari Raya, Nana ingin menyusun sepuluh jari memohon ampun dan maaf atas segala kesilapan Nana.. baik yang kecil ataupun yang besar. Nana tidak berniat untuk menyinggung hati sesiapa walau sedikit pun. Maaf seandainya Nana ada terkasar bahasa dan bergurau yang berlebihan. Halal makan minum Nana. Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Mudah-mudahan hari lebaran tahun ini lebih bermakna untuk teman-teman yang Nana sayangi. Salam sayang dan tulus ikhlas dari, Raihanah Rahmat. Hajah Halijah yang dirindui .. { , 1:37:00 AM} Here comes Raya. But in my enthu' for raya, somehow, it sad me to see Ramadhan has ended for this year. Like i mentioned before, none of us know if there's Ramadhan again for us. But insya'allah, we all get to fast again nxt year :) So yes, im all done with spring cleaning the entire house.. i love this kind of situation of last minutes shopping/cleaning, kecoh beb! Oh and, i already know how to make ketupat! Suker la sangat! Thankyou Mak. Meanwhile.. in the midst of have good time over here.. i secretly wished nenek is here with us. Sitting at the corner laughing together with us. Watching tv and join in the fun. I really do wish she were still here, by my side. She a gem and everything to me. I miss sharing with her, my thoughts feelings and etc. By now, i have tons to update to her. But i think i have nothing to worry. I believed she already knew what i've been through.. no need to share hehs. The most that i missed is, her affection and more-ly the way she know how to handle me.. how to comfort me (sayang-sayang). I don't know how but she just know the trick. Missed the moments we both would actually fights over mini-small things. Ahas, that was cute thou'. You have never slip from my mind&heart. You are one of them who keeps me moving on and makes me believe love is all around. If now, during raya, she would be busy helping Mak in the kitchen. Hm pity Mak doing most of the cooking all alone bcoz i can't help much. I don't know how to cook mahh.. but at least, still help out with other stuffs. Nenek, again, won't be celebrating Raya with you.. I miss your presence. We all do! And I miss someone to hold, actually. I truly missing you. Al-Fatheha. N I N E T E E N ; {Saturday, September 19, 2009 , 10:39:00 PM} "Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday Happy birthday.. HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY TO ME !" I know it's kindda crazy but, i would like to mention their names here.. Because Raihanah is Blessed to have you all =D Thankyou(s) for the well wishes thru FB/call/sms/msn/blog : (calls) Atikah MrAzlan Leana, KazD&family, Akmal, Farah. Advance gift/gudluck charm frm secret admire. (sms/fb/msn) HafizGC, AndiGC, Priya, Atikah, AbgArmy;Shafiq, Yuhaniz, Sufiyan, Khairul'Aizat, Ema, Khairullah, Hirzie, IlahCuzzin, Luqman, Fatris, Muhd, Gf Lina, KakBanie Leana, KakIezah, Andi, Yana, Hyekel, Wan, Shana, KhairiStress, Gf Janah, Azmin.. Zurrah, Q, AmalinaTWIN, Haicurl, KazD & family, Azirah, Zeenol, Ellah, MrAyob, Samantha, AfiqGC, Iffah, Syuhaidah, Wai Mun, Ayuni, Aileen, Zab, Halijah, Mingyi, Noraini, Gf Lina, Netasher, Jasmine, Ewan, Raif.. Luqman Kamal;Hoobs, Ariffin, Gf Ernie, Amanda.. Passer & hazyrah(blog) Sorry if i did missed anyone. Will update if there's more :) TY(s) KazD for the surprise-tissue-ketupat, wishes(call/FB) and shoutout at msn ; full name yer? Sayang awak Hehs! & Ellah too! Fatris Zab and Calvin for the special 'birthday song' for me. AND thanks ehk Calvin.. kasi ade riot jap pat FB HAHAHS! AKU LAAARRRIIII !! ~ To Khai, just so you know.. iam indeed very blessed to know you. And that sweetest message ever, just make me feel happy and, it touched right down to my heart :) Yes, it moved me to tears. No other words can describe. Thankyou very much for everything! You know i love you ♥ Iam seriously HAPPY today. I AM I AM! Thank(s) to you, everyone! You people really make my day.. on my 19th birthday! I REALLY DO LOVE YOU :) Sayang you all! ♥♥good or bad day? {Friday, September 18, 2009 , 6:41:00 PM} As promised to myself, i done-ed with my room. All alone because no one was at home. Ape lagi, dengar la lagu-lagu raya pat radio heheh. Spring cleaning! But quarter ONLY. Why? Later i will tell you what happened. Meanwhile, let me tell you what i've found while cleaning my entire room. HARTA KARUN !! I found my primary school diaries.. things i used to make during my free time, raya cards from my fellas.. ol' pictures taken wayyyy back yearss ago, gift that i have not even use yet.. erm ape lagi eh hehes! Goodness, i laugh-ed at my own self looking at these things. But at the same time, i miss those time whereby, all i know was that everything is nice to me. Not until the breakup that i learnt the meaning of hatred/trust/etc. It taught me to be independent thou'. Enough about that. So since then, i have my fullest great time with my beloved friends around. Too many to be mention here hehs! Basically, im quite surprised with myself because each thing that i found, actually, i do remember the 5W1H about the thing. Cool or what! Oh, and i also found love lettersss from secret admirers/friends. I read back. Now, i feel so silly recalling back the time when i was loved by these people. HAHA it was really funny memories yet sweet one. Ade sampai nak hantar BOMOH beb -.-! All these harta karun i have already put it inside a box. I don't have the heart to throw it away because it's part of me, memories. I shall keep it. Who knows, there's more to be keep inside in years to come :) Back to the incident. Suppose to go geylang but thanks to my Buat perangai beb die! Gerammmmm je! Nak *yakdush* die pun ade nie. I even left my work and went to bathe just because i dont want Mak to get more mad. I'm all ready but in the end, no geylang! Can't even go out after that :( sedih pe. Hais, selamat berbuka semua. I SWEAR I'M DAMN BORED ! { , 12:06:00 AM} Been doing nothing useful for the whole day. Had my hair treatment in the morning. Ahh yes, i did! And i super loike it very much. Lawar la pulak macam gini, tak la serabut hahahhas! Hope it will last lonnggg. Tapi part gini memang aku malas la sangat xD Then stuck in front of lappy for hours. Facebook-ing, chatting, doing quizzes, youtube-ing, KPO-ing about other's life.. HAHAHAH! No life me. Waste current only, i know. Intend to do my cornflakes, but, as you can see.. im BIG lazy today. So, tomorrow perhaps? Will see my mood hor.. Btw, one of my neighbour passed away two days ago (okay i don't know who laa, but someone who lived in this block). And for the past two days also, I've been hearing like a group of show choir singing under the void deck. HAHA! At first i thought there's festival here for real. Iam serious, no joking okay! So, I assumed that's Christian's tradition. But seriously, i think i know few songs (erm two songs i guess) that they sang just now. Eh betol la! Ahahs, okay enough. Atk, sesungguhnya kamu adalah orang yang paling sweet dan sungguh cute hari ini !! Missed ~ {Wednesday, September 16, 2009 , 11:52:00 PM} Glad that i managed to settle one of the biggest problem i have for the Arts Challenge. HAHA! Phew. Because i don't want to play dirty mahh. Not that i don't want but, to be frank, i afraid lor. Good girl what, what you expect hahas! x) So, the rest went well. Next time i have to remind Sani one day before so that he won't forget, or come late. After everything done, went Tampines with Sani. Window shopping for awhile before break fast. Sani, you better buy that clothes kays, nicee laa! Then Have a good chat and laugh with him in the bus and all. Glad that he understands abit.. lega sikit :D thankyou. Anyway, i've make a whole list for my birthday wishes hahahaha! Tak tahu malu per aku?! AHAHHAHA! Confirm no shame~ So, i told Mak what i want for this year *swink* Teehee! I also told myself, i will try to get something for myself too for my own birthday. Wahh, suke pe kasi diri sendiri bende hahahah! Waduih! *slap forhead* Okays, enough about that. I actually not really looking forward for my birthday that much laa.. (ok nampak sah bedek) coz RAYA is coming in few days ONLY! Woooo~ Iam much much more more excited to the maximum for RAYA! Ohmy! I'm serious lor! Hahas, just look at my blog.. i already uploaded few raya songs to lift up my mood :) Oh adding to this, now, it seems like everywhere i go.. i will hear raya songs. Isn't that great!? I love this! Suke sangat! And can you believe that even Sheng Song, BHG and etc also playing Raya songs at their stores? WAAAAAAAAAHHH ! Double syiok la! HAHAHAHA! But sadly, this year, i have no time to do much preparation. I even got no time to survey baju raya, the one that i really want. No time for this no time for that. Then, mostly i also break fast outside, double haiz! Teruk betol! By the way, I shouldn't get over excited about this to much. Because Ramadhan is leaving very soon too. Yea, it is a joy to celebrate Raya but at the same time, i wonder if there's another Ramadhan for me next year? I don't know. We don't know only Allah knows. I feel that this Ramadhan is not really that complete for me. I don't know why but i just feel that way. Semoga apa yang telah dilakukan akan diterima oleh-NYA. Kite hanya manusia biasa.. tidak terlepas dari membuat kesilapan dan sentiasa leka. Oh Allah, forgive for all my sins. Amin. I'm very sorry { , 1:16:00 AM} Even losing a friend of mine really do make a big changes, even a little, to me. Because, friendship has always and forever will be part of me. It's something BIG in my life. For you, it's been a month and i afraid to say that i'm running out of ideas on how to make it better for us. Afraid you still mad at me for what happened.. i've apologized. It sad me to see us turn out to be like this, giving cold shoulder.. not talking and everything. You see, i dont want us continue like this and, it's fasting month and very soon lebaran will be coming. Therefore, i tried to see if things will get alittle better, at least. Sadly, no :( How sad can this get. I leave it up to you. I've tried in all way, but as it is now, you refused again. No choice and you've said it clearly, we have to walk away from each other. You even insist of me to goooooo away.. . . . . . . . . *insert name*: I am mad because i dont get u, not because iam mad at you. so meaning i am mad not at you but wenever u talk to me i will feel sad so i am just mad at my own Me: meaning i can't talk to you? lost contact terus?? *insert name*: yes if you dun wan me to feel sad.. nana just go. Me: :( *insert name*: i even more sad Me: not even as friends? *insert name*: Nope better not at all goodbye, {Tuesday, September 15, 2009 , 2:26:00 AM} I'm happy when you're happy. GoodBye.. . . . . . . . . . 1. Kena sentiasa dekat dengan dia.. kerna dia sentiasa perlu kan sangat perhatian kau, walaupun kau rasa diri kau tak diperlukan. Sebenarnya tidak. 2. Kalau dia bohong sekalipun, iya kan aje.. kerna die tak bermaksud nak bohong macam itu. Sebab nak jaga hati kau. 3. Kalau beli barang dapur, biar dia yang buat pilihan. 4. Jangan tidur selagi belum jam 3 pagi.. kerna biasa dia akan mengigau jalan malam. 5. Jangan sekali-kali baca diary dia.. kerna die cukup tak suka. 6. Pastikan dia sambung belajar.. kerna itu yang dia nak. 7. Jangan marahkan dia kalau tetiba dia letakkan sepadan dalam rumah. 8. Terakhir, jaga dia baik-baik bila korang sudah kahwin nanti. - I'm not single { , 2:17:00 AM} Him: Nak berkenalan boleh? Me: Siapa nie? Him: Can i get to know you? Him: Ni wan jawa sejati dari jawa timur datang menolong raden ageng Me: Huh? Hahahs. Him: serious.. can? Me: cannot? Him: ok, thanks. Me just joking. May Allah be with you. Me: Thankyou you too. Him: Oh allah may you guide her.. Me: Insyallah amin. . . . . . . . . *webcam for awhile.. talk-talk, webby sort* . . . . . Him: Number handphone mane? Me: Takde. Him: Kenape? Me: Tak pakai handphone, public phone aje. Him: 9 Him: 004 hahhahahahahhaha Me: *insert smiley face* . . . . . . Him: Da masak rendang? Him: Sambal goreng pengatin ker.. Him: kuah lemak ??????????????????? Me: Belum Him: Okay thanks. HAHAH! Funny. movie marathon {Monday, September 14, 2009 , 1:46:00 AM} ![]() ![]() It's Sunday. No plan for today. Wanted to go Johor with Mak and aunties but decided not to. Furthermore, no space for me hahahas! So, after sahur went to sleep and i end up woke up very late. Hm, maybe i'm toooo veryy tired. What not, i have been going out and reached home late night for 3 days straight. Very shaggy lor! HAHAHA! So yeaps, i have a good sleep.. very good one. Did few houseworks. Then watched movie online for the whoe day ; 4 movies in total. 2 indo's movies and 2 malaysia's movies. For those who have not watch Syurga Cinta & I'm not Single, and especially those who love to watch love movie.. i recommend you people to watch this! I'm not single, such a sweet ending.. Farid Kamil really good in acting. Sukerr! And Awal, he's cool.. handsome pulak too. Saya pon sukerrrrr.. X) For Syurga Cinta, i really do wish to have this kind of love. Very pure. Can i? 'Cinta dan hati saya hanya la untuk orang yang benar2 ikhlas mengenali saya, bukan untuk dipersendakan' Jodoh dibahagia dari tiga ; 1) Jodoh dari Syaitan 2) Jodoh dari Jin 3) Jodoh dari Allah Awal sungguh hot !! Romantis la sangat huhuhuhuhu ! {Sunday, September 13, 2009 , 1:28:00 AM} Basically, i had my whole fun yesterday. Yes, for the whole day till night ahas! But at the end of the day, i was toooo tired and sleepy. Jump was super hilarious, cute and everything just awed me the max. I laugh-ed like mad in the theater. I dont care who other want to say, or i even if i disturb other's good time too.. i dont care at all. That's what i call FUN! I seriously feel good after that.. hilang stress hahahs! After the show ended, watched performance at the con-course. Then, The rest went their own way. Break fast with Simsim and his cousins over at Bedok Reservoir. A very BIG fest really. I almost bloated HAHAS! Thanks for the treat anyway, erm.. don't know whose but thankyou so much. Then we went geylang.. walk-ed around the bazaar la. Ape lagi kan.. hehhes! Muke satu2 da bekilat, panasssss beb! But i wonder why yesterday i didnt even feel a bit of hot at all. Hm nevermind. Tak penting pun hehes. So tired of walking around, headed to Paya Lebar and slack-ed. Took pictures and etc. Had lotsa funnnnn! advance birthday celebration, with no cake. {Saturday, September 12, 2009 , 1:35:00 AM} Wee, had a wonderful day today!! Despite, the very initial plan was cancelled at the very last minutes due to unforeseen situation.. we two (Leana and me) still meet up and celebrated our birthday in advance. Our plan was to break fast at marina barrage, catch a movie then eat a slice cake plus ben n jerry's ice cream too.. just the two of us only, relaxing celebration like that. But all have to be cancel :/ nevermind. Then we came up with another plan, shopping. LOL! But the spoiler part was when i realised that i didnt bring my WALLET along?! Jeng3! I was totally freak out! Thanks to the aunty who sell tissue. If she never approach me to sell her tissue, i will never know about my wallet. Bile nak shopping wallet pulak tkde..nana nana.. punye la slenger aku. So? Hahas, we train-ed back home lor! Macam mane nak shopping seh lau tkde $$$. Headed to Bugis and Orchard. Bought few things and the most, i LOVE our birthday's necklace. Best friends! Sweet :D And thankyou so much my dear Leana for the present.. suker! Rushed back to Bugis. Meet up with Fin and his friends over at Siam Kitchen. This restaurant have weird names for their menus. Okay la.. maybe because it's Siam language mah, which sounds soooo very-the-weird. It reminds me of Khai anyway. He always like to talk to weird language HAHAHA! So, i ordered using numbers instead since i scared i will order the wrong meal HAHA! Oh and didnt expect it was a treat from Fin's friend. Thankyou thankyou thankyou! But actually, it was supposed to be Fin's treat since we celebrating our birthday. Ok nevermind, keep your treat for next outing ok? Kate nak 'chendol date'? Hahs. After that, meet with Mak and Adek at Geylang. By then it was already almost 9pm. Like expected, sardines inside tin. But surprisingly, i was not perspiring like always whenever i hit bazaar.. goodgood! Bought my baju raya already :D Erm not the latest design laa.. but i dont know why i attracted to it. Padahal bape tahun lepas nye baju haha! Nevermind i try to haunt for another one HAHAH! It just sad me that im not into those nice-nice clothes for this year raya. I also dont know why la. Maybe i dont know which to buy, yes maybe. But i have high mood for raya..Huraayyy! Hopefully i get to do spring cleaning-house, made kuih raya, paint my room by next week (da memang last week of puasa pun!) Tsk tsk, so many things to do with so little time. Okay.. i'm so looking forward for raya now. Woo.. tak sabar oii rase nye! been awhile since i ranting my heart {Thursday, September 10, 2009 , 2:58:00 AM} HELLOOOOOOO !! Hey readers, i'm back after few days taking a break from blogging. Reason being.. i was extremely lazy to update eventhou i really wanted to let out what this heart feels lately. But mostly, i was busy mugging for my examination. No wonder this blog getting dusty hahas! Busy stressing, killed alot of brain cells just for exams. For three consecutive days, i slept till 5 in the morning.. burnt midnight oils, messed my study table, even my bed, with notes books and etc. I know this was crazy. 'Nak tunggu sampai sahur sekali ker?' Hahs! Thank to this, i have to kick my sleeping beauty aside, thus, I've got panda eyes NOW! I'd gave my all out. Papers was okay.. as in overall for the three papers. Just pray that all those scarified i made is worth. By getting good results and i satisfied with it, that's way good than enough. So now.. finally i could update my blog. If you've been checking on my blog, i might not update my blog for the past few days, but actually i do active at twitter instead. Updating what i'm doing and all.. cause days ago, not only i busy to update but partly, i running out of words to say what i want to say.. out with what i feel. Actually it's pretty much annoying and disturbing, adding with me trying hard to fight with my emotions, and at the same time, tried my all best to focus with my exams too. It was hard one indeed. Knowing i will face the risks eventually.. But i made it alittle, at least. Get myself under control (at least) before i get too carried away. I have enough and don't want it to be even more worst. Life is always like this. Full of hurdles. I think what MrA used to say is true. People do come and go. Those who stays is the one who are faithful to you. No matter how seldom you in contact, meetup and etc, they will always be the first one to give you their hands. Fact fully, this is damn true. Rare to have these people nowadays. Like they almost extinct from the earth. I smile and everyone loves me. Sometime, i laugh to see if they could find my hidden side without me have to tell. And i cry to find who are true to me. Life is amazing. I have faith in what is store for me by the one above.. HE wont test his people over their limits. Kick that aside. So, yesterday went iftar with my classmates. It's somehow our tradition to buka together after our last paper. I effing had a greatt time with them. Especially with Azmin around (first time to break fast with us) you will NEVER get bored. Trust me. I think that was the most best day with them thou' a short one. Oh and i learn to smoke? HAHA! Opssy! Don't dare to upload it at FB, mati! They know, i know :) People don't know hahs. After that, meet Khai Hirzie Isa KakBani Stress Iffah. Went lepak with them for while. Oh supposed to be FOR AWHILE for me but dragged till almost midnight. Tsk. Btw, thru'out the day.. i felt so restless because my hp went all silent. No messages/calls. I even thot my hp spoilt.. on and off it for few times. I msged few people but either no reply from them or the way they replied seemed to be heckcare. Really. What was wrong with them. I was mad at a moment.. so frustrated! Thankgod Syafiq rescued me. Entertained me. Phew. Sorry for the lengthy post. Hahs, ok i promise this going to be last topic. I want to talk about my birthday but shall keep it for another day. Lets talk about Raya! Weee! Few more days left. I have yet to prepare anything for it. Not even clothes for raya lor. Sedih kan. Too busy with school and exams. No time. Now exam over also like got no time to go Geylang. I have no idea what clothes i want for this year raya.. What color? silver? brown? green again? Then i somehow want to paint my room.. but the problem is, when will i have the time? Haiyaa.. i'm so excited for raya laa but time is not on my side :/ hmm. Ada aje nak kena kuar laa itu la ini la. I also want to make kuih. Again, when? Pening pening. Alot more to say, next time perhaps. Now i want to sleep. Over lethargic. Morning ! It's time for me.. to lay while i await my dreams. Though much have been left unsaid, and i may never wake.. i bid you this farewell.. it's yours to take. mood swing {Wednesday, September 2, 2009 , 2:20:00 AM} Have you ever had a problem you wanting to let it out Wishing you could have someone to hold to So you can let it all out convey the reason you been feeling so down. But you can't find the way to tell.. You just don't know how to say. Yes getting hard.. and it hurts you in any way. But... Life won't be this tough forever, only one thing makes it better Don't hold it inside, when your hearts on the line. it's okay to cry. p/s : listen to what i'm not saying ~ |