{Saturday, February 28, 2009 , 6:21:00 PM} Hello hello earthlings (= It's a great Saturday again.. Had Cambodia Programme as usual. Nothing much, learnt about personal hygiene.. some engineering thingy..taught the rest few dance steps for Cultural Show and meet-the parents-section. My parents didn't turn up because i told them not to come :). So Mak happily went JB alone. hmph! Before that, went for the Dance Elective at 9.30 in the morning. Yerps, I signed up for it because i find it is interesting. Will learn Latin Salsa, Modern Dance and other dance techniques.. including Malay Dance too..Best kan !? Me and Atik was excited! But just now, we both including Yana was like so nervous. Nak masok Cemta pun macam takut-takut ahahs ~ Unfortunately we managed to stay for almost an hour, need to attend the Cambodia Programme. Half way learning the basic steps for Latin and Salsa && didn't get to learn Modern Dance too just now. Da kena halau hahaha.. Never mind, next Saturday get to attend the whole section because there will be no Cambodia Programme... BEST ! (= Nothing much after that. Wanted to wait for Hirzi and SimSim but their workshop end at 5pm. Later i become loner ahahah.. So went Geylang alone and home sweet home. Anyhoos, it's raining heavily right now. Perfect weather to take a nap but I'm trying my best to stay focus with my revision now. Update again soon... { , 12:40:00 AM} Nurul Atikah, HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY ! We may only know each other for almost a year but thru'out all this while, we both been going through a lot of things, through thin and thick together. I'm surprised we managed to click so well on the first day during my dance training. As days passed by, we been spending more time together..and i very much know you are going through hard times lately. Stressing over a lot of matters.....from studies, dance and friendship too. I might not be a good advisor but i willing to lend you my shoulder for you to cry on and i promise i will listen to you attentively :) In short, you can always count on me in any situation, alright? _____________________________________________________________ I hope you like the present.. Nothing much and not that pretty anyway but i guess you need i thou hehes.. So....Wishing you all the best May your days fills with laughter, joy and fun,surprises, love and happiness, Have a very great day today, tomorrow and the following days.. Sayang Atik ! GOD BLESS YOU ! {Friday, February 27, 2009 , 10:35:00 PM} MINI-SURPRISE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION (= We celebrated Atikah's birthday in advance today! First and for all, thousands apologies to Atikah for all the lies and i had to leave her all alone at Cemta. Thought Yana could at least accompany her but Yana got extra class. So i really feel bad for leaving her alone.. I lied that i need to meet my friend for awhile, but i came out with stupid reason, to take my things from my 'that friend' hahas. So I'm very sure she must be wondering why am i taking for like an hour just for that hehes.. Lame reason i know.. But the fact was that, i went to meet FatFat at bustop, off to Tampiness to buy the cake. And again another lie. FatFat told her, he will be going back home to change and will come back for the dance..hehe! So I was pretty sure she really believed about that.. Once we both reached Tampines, we got stressed up! We just don't know what cake to buy for her. Kan Fatris, kan!? hahahahahhahahahah.. So after all the survey and countless rounding, we both 'sekepala' to buy the Brownies Cake,YUMMY! Rushed back to school because i really felt damn bad for leaving her alone. serious! So yaa, act as normal and out with another lame reason, why i came back with empty hands when i told her i going to get my things from my friend.. But thank god, she didn't suspect anything..phew! I was so excited! Once the dance ended, rushed to Cafe 1 to prepare everything. Since Cafe 1 closed, we decided to celebrate at the staircase only. Ok la tu, janji ada tempat hehe..!! I just find this part was so damn funny, especially the part when we trying our very best to hide from her seeing us.. tertunduk2 semua, mana dengan cake, nak nyala kan lilin :) But she still saw us. Guess we are too big to hide from her...LOL! Atik, i know this mini celebration was not the one you really dream for. Sorry if it seem not so the perfect one..hehehe..very rushing etc. I hope you dont mind *smile* But I'm happy to see that smiley smile on your face cause I'm happy to see you happy (= Once again, sorry Atikah for all the lies. I have to hehe.. Happy birthday to ASRI! GuitarClub people also celebrated his belated birthday today.. :) {Wednesday, February 25, 2009 , 9:29:00 PM} TAGGED: Whoever gets tagged has to write 10 things about the person who tagged him/her. NurAmalina 1. A girl who share the same birthday date with me (another found twins , yea!) 2. Very like perempuan melayu terakhir for me 3. Soft-spoken girl 4. Have fair complexion skin. 5. Schoolmate, but in different course hehes.. 6. Member of Guitar Ensemble. 7. Have a mixed blood of Java, Chinese, Malay and Indo (= 8. Known as Amal, kan kan kan ?? 9. Cemta-ians :D 10. Lastly, she have a very cheerful smile on her face !! The person who got tagged has to write 10 things about him/herself 1. I just cant resist Chocolates no matter what. (sungguhss!) 2. Among all animals, i dearly adores cats (meowwww...!) 3. A girl who really appreciate friendship a lot. Willing to go far for them (betol betol betol) 4. Hard to predict her mood and a sensitive girl, VERY .. ! 5. At times, dammnn stubborn(maha degil punya) and get jealous easily 6. LOVE nature beauty !! 7. Have the passion in dancing (:::: 8. I don't mind having friends who is a smoker but i just hate the smell of the smoke..(senang pening kepala lau bau asap rokok laa) 9. I'm talkative whenever i with my close ones. (Suke bebual merepek aku ni, standard) 10. Love to bottle things up to herself, and end up stress sendiri hahas.. Choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. 1. Lina 2. Janah 3. Atikah 4. Farah 5. Azura 6. Yana 7. KazD. 8. LeeLee 9. Fatris 10. Ela {Monday, February 23, 2009 , 10:26:00 PM} Been feeling rather insecure lately. Crying is the only way that could make me feel much more better, shed all those unnecessary feeling. And to be frank, that's the last things that i want to do though. And for today, i don't feel good since morning. In fact, been feeling insecure, worry and confuse with things around me lately. At times, I'd feel the world is been unfair to me. My mind and heart is not in good state. Well, today is another not-so-good day for me and for few of us too i guess.. Somethings really bothering me right now, and still at this very moment. Feeling so uneasy, especially after seeing you cried just now. That point of time you really scared me off..like seriously! And I can sense something is not right somewhere around, very! I hope you are alright. Please don't think too much and too far away ok. Feel free to share with me, or even with those that you really close to.. Anyhoos, I'm supposed to be happy with the position that are entitled to me. I didn't expect all this, you see. But somehow, I'm praying hard everything will go on smoothly. I don't want things to go hay-wire between us. Not because of this, please. But like what i say, things like this will happen for sure.. For the fact that, I'm feeling down and uneasy. Everything are all over the place, all at one time. Not at this period of time. Dear God, i need you today, tomorrow and for the rest of my days. Give me the strength to face all this, for at least i know i am not alone.. {Saturday, February 21, 2009 , 10:23:00 PM} Today's Cambodia meeting was very fine. Ok i woke up earlllyyyyy just not to be late again like last week or ever since the very first meeting HAHA ! Always the 'star-karat' kan aku nie?! haiyaa Ms Jill warned us not to be late again this week so thats the reason why i was early. But hopefully for next, next and the following weeks too :) Firstly, we packed all those things that was donated for the Cambodian. Me and Yana was like aiming for this pant haha. I wanted that pant! But then, it's for charity so i kept telling Yana, "Jangan, ni orang derma untuk dorang" hahahahaha.. Then discussed about our menu to cook for the 100 people. We did came out with simple dishes and ingredients to cook but still yet to finalise it. Scare if we can't find the ingredients at there. Shi Yun and I was assigned to cook the rice while the rest will be cooking the soup and the dishes. Was divided into another group to do the planting and build fence. Me Atik and Yana get separated :( After that, went Cemta. Yana transferred video to Zie's MacBook...then Yana and LeeLee left. Soon after Atik left to meet FatFat. Left me and the Hip Hop dancers. Before proceed home, has lunch with Hana at LJS cause we super hungry. Story telling time,from zaman kecik2 to grooming to other stuffs. A lot of things we shared and laughed especially those random people who passed by us. Macam macam orang kiteorg nampak! Sume macam2 perangai. Dari muda ke tua, pakcik to anuty etc..kan Hana, kan ? And I just realised we both laughed like nobody business *laughing* Then Hana went for her dance and i... HOME SWEET HOME :) HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY SHAMEER ! :) Well, do take care of yourselves in NS kays... "Fun but no freedom eh" hehehe..biase la NS mah.. Where got freedom one..but confirm you look fit already now kan kan kan?? hehe.. Whatever it is, i wish you all the best. May your life full of happiness kays, and God Bless you :) {Thursday, February 19, 2009 , 8:19:00 PM} After school ended, when to Forum. It's Total Defend Day, there will be performances at forum. Went to support them..Kamsani, Soul Percussion and not forgetting Hip Hop Dancers :) Then rushed off cause i was like damn late to meet my girls. I'm so sorry. I will always be the 'star-karat' ! Hmm... Sorry Den and Hana, can't lepak with you all at Cemta today.. tomorrow kays, insyallah.. Off to meet them. Ernie picked me up at Bedok Inter. We planned to visit our Sec Sch, meet our beloved Tipah hahacks (Mdm Sharifah). Ok, we waited for her quite lonnnggg.. So we wandered around the school. There's a lot of changes, a lot! Meet teachers and like so kecoh we all. I miss those memories during our days back then. Too many things we shared and cried. Get to meet my juniors. Kinda miss them much..! Well girls, do your very best alright! I will always love and support you girls. Too bad, can't stay long as Ernie and the rest was waiting for us in the car. Takpe la dapat lepas kan rindu sekejap pon ok la.. And like finally i get to meet my girls especially Kak Huda ! :) "Kenape Raihanah nampak kurus? Lawa tapi tak selawa duluuuu " (comment from Tipah) And another 2 teachers said that too :'( Sedih or what..im skinny? Wah liao! I want to gain more weight as in berisi.. Tadi pat skola check gain like almost 2kg tapi nampak makin kurus? hmm camne tu seh. pastu height pendek by 2 cm pulak? Apa nii..? Mesin rosak ke atau apa ehk? Nak berisi jugakk..ade apa2 obat yang leh recommend pat saya ? hehehehe Off to Kovan, had our lunch at Pizza Hut. I'm the one who suggested because I'm craving to go there. Thanks Tipah for the treat. Sayang Cikgu banyak banyak!! Hizan and Farah sorry for making you both sat at the bonnet. Really sorry..but you both had fun, right ? hehes..*blueks* See, i really miss hanging out with these people. Miss each and every one's laughter..! Masok skola teringat alek zaman zaman 'kens' kiteorg hahahahahhaah..! Short meeting for us. I am really looking forward for out next outing with everyone of us. Oh please, i really need everyone to present for the next meeting. Cause i badly rinddduuuuuuu kalian. Ada paham tak!? ahacks! Picnic kan ???? {Wednesday, February 18, 2009 , 11:51:00 PM} Before i start, thanks a lot to Abang for waking up as early as 5.20am to ride me to school for my performance for the Global Education event. I know Abang was exhausted and need rest as he was working last night but no choice, i need his help hehe. Tanx! :) We doing the opening dance for the GOH. That was the reason why we reached early morning to prepare blablabla.. Unfortunately, i freaking hate this performance a lot. I'm stressed and disheartened with what has happened. Ms Lina said "things always happens" I've sacrified my time, skipped classes and the pain of getting steps and the head gear that was killing us. But i can't fully blame her, maybe? Still, it was totally such a disappointment for me. Sape tak bingit bila da penat2 practise untuk lagu 2 minit tapi sampai masa tak sampai 1 minit je.. Da tu bangun pagi pagi buta lagi..aduih! My heart touched the ground when i saw her walking Put aside about that incident. It was effing disappointing :'( So after all that, we cleaned ourselves, removed makeup, packed things up, had lunch at C1. Off to forum. Watched our Hip Hop dancers, never failed to put a good dance :)) and also Malay Dancers from ITE Bishan too. The event was like a combination of ITE Central and East so both school get to send their performers to perform. When for BCM, cause i seriously can't afford to miss class anymore! Final exams like 2 weeks time..i need to buck up and do my revising more. Oh by the way, believe it or not.. Me Hana and Hirzi walked from ITE Simei all the way to Bedok Inter ! Yea, like seriously! Tak tipu hehes... Nak train uh untuk marathon ke apa ke hahahacks! Share a lot of things and of course, a lot of craps kan kan kan ?! Ada ada je tau kiteorang nie *insert smiling face* Next time kiteorang uat lagi kays .. anyway... HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY, GALFY ZARIFAH ! :) Firstly, i miss you truck lots! Been awhile since we last meet and it's been a long time i heard from you. I wished her like 15 minutes to 12AM, next day! ahacks! May you always have a very happy journey with Hassan. Tak sabar nak makan nasi minyak korang. Dah lama aku tunggu ni hehe xp I will pray for your well-being, success in life and great moments with love ones and endless happiness :) Allah bless kamu, ifah. Aku miss and sayang kau ! *hugs and kisses* Another Valentine's gift hahahahahhahaha .. ! {Sunday, February 15, 2009 , 8:21:00 PM} I hope it is still not late for me to wish HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to all love birds out there who are madly in love :) Including for those who are not double, i meant single hahs .. Hope you all have a great day with your love ones and do appreciate one another, not only during this V-Day but every single day too.. Yesterday, after the Cambodia programme.. went to Cemta and slacked with Hip Hop people till 4pm before proceed to Bedok to meet Yan and all. Thank God, Hirzi messaged me, if not i don't know where to go. Side track a little.. Guess what, after i got back home yesterday, to my dismay.. my laptop need to be reformat!? damnnn...! I just on it and reformat out of sudden? Alermak.. Abang help me out cause I'm not good in all this thingy. Naseb sume documents and stuff I've transfer in the hard drive, phew! Only few songs that i just downloaded are gone! which i truly hate this the most..! So i need to re-install back few programmes, transferring things and etc. Anyway back to Valentines Day, i didn't really expect any gifts from others. It's been 4 years i have no valentine,so what to expect right hehes. Only a red rose from SimSim, that's it. Tu pon tak sangka dapat..at least dapat dari tak kan kan kan hehs. Thank SimSim, i really like it and appreciate it :) Basically i went out and lepak-ed with few of Guitar Club people at East Coast. Syafiq, Suffian, Afiq, Andi Wan Anggerek(sorry if wrong spelling) and her boify too :) We did nothing much just chilled, watched video at laptop..watched them played guitar etc. That Wan is super kecoh, and hilarious type of person.. I kept on laughing with all his jokes and the way he talk..hahahahahah! I also learn to play guitar. Andi taught me the basic chord only, and i guess i forgot few already hehe. Susah tau nak main, penat pon ada..pastu hujung jari semua ada line line. painful ok! So yea, that's all about my V-Day post. I know nothing much interesting.. Love you all much, muacks..! {Friday, February 13, 2009 , 9:05:00 PM} I have a lot to say in this post. About school, friends, dance, Valentine's Day and basically everything that i can post here. So far, things are going well, with friends who will never sick and tired to make me smile and laugh like mad girl X) Despite the cat fights with had, I'm glad we managed to get over it. I really hate if things like this have to happen. Ok ok, moving on.. we were called to perform for the Graduation Ceremony - Business School, yesterday. It was last minutes formation but I'm happy to say that we did it..! Macam nak mampos kiteorg crack brain for the formation all that. Alhamdulliah, all went well :)
Den and me (: Me and Hirzi (nmpk cam Usher la gitu kan hehe)