{Friday, January 30, 2009 , 10:08:00 AM} Today was surely way much better than yesterday. Much much better. Had a great time at Cemta. No practise but just menyemak at Studio with the rest of the Hip Hop dancers for their Audition :) Da macam family la pulak gitu we all ha ha ha! So we sat there like part of them. Atikah was having fun joining them from behind while me and Isa sat there and watched the rest. I wanted to join in the fun but was wearing skirt so ya, difficult to move around with it. But no worries, i got all those steps already *swink* I shall say that most of their newbies are pretty good in dancing especially the boys. Girls also not bad excluding those bunch of girls hehe *you know i know* XD It's a BIG crowd till they have to divide into four or five groups ! They looked exhausted after the audition ended. Ke..sian, i know how u guys felt. We left them to have their own time with their group. We moved to next studio after Choir Show has ended. We practised with our joget serampang again. After that together with hip hop dancers, we chilled at Cafe1. I seriously had a uber great time laughing with them, and thanks to Isa for all the entertainment eh. Suka sangat buat orang ketawa with his face expression yang sungguh priceless tu ha ha ! Till my face turned reddish *insert laughing face* This is FUN :) {Thursday, January 29, 2009 , 11:12:00 PM} Today; Went school with my Darl Lynn. Been months since we last bus-ed school together-gather hehes. I got alot of things to share with her, a lot ! The journey was filled with my stories :) But story of the day was my most disgusting incident that happened to me. (on last Friday) Lynn was truly disgusted by it haha! Ape lagi aku seh yang mengalaminya..Eww ! Sungguh aku benci keturunan dorang sampai bila bila ! Everything was so fine at first but not so pretty well after that. I was mad with myself. I was so stressed up ! I just hate with everything, things that happened. Hm this is not fun. Maybe i takes things too seriously. Emotional over small matters, perhaps. What's more..I'm stress with my dance. We're trying to recall back steps that we performed before. Aku lau tak dapat, asyik lupa jer! Otak lembs..! So i kept on dancing and dancing over and over and over again and again, none stop. Ms Elfa have to go off earlier but took my own sweet-time..continue dancing. Why? Cause I'm not satisfied with everything. Just want to let things out by dancing.. Everyone was busily packing their stuff and im still dancing with Khai. But I'd stop, when 'ketat'(hehehe) came over and told us Ms Elfa really have to go off. Sorry to keep you waiting. Off with them to Cafe1, chit chat and we played card games. It's HEART ATTACK not STRESS ok ? x) I'm not myself today. I don't know. I don't know. And thanks to all this, i have pimples break out..! Wah, sungguh b e s t ! :) {Tuesday, January 27, 2009 , 10:57:00 PM} Hello readers..! First and for most, i would like to congrats myself for finished up all the three units that will be coming out for my CA tomorrow *clap hands*. I have done all those last year questions paper over and over again, had done with my revision but will still continue revising till i sat for my CA. I really want to score well grade for this. Oh how good girl i am :) By the way, get to watch the eclipse yesterday evening. I really am excited to witness it dengan mata kepala sendiri hahas! So dragged my Mum and Adek along to next block. Cause my block 'block' the view. Brought along sunglasses which my Mum found at Abang's room. Can't see the eclipse from my camera and with naked eyes, darn! But it's clear if use sunglasses. Ha ha, we only brought one sunglasses, apa lagi berebut satu-satu nak tengok! Since I'm so the jakon type of girl, aku la yang paling kecoh *insert angel face* I get to video it too! Good news! Been stuffing my mouth with a lot of junk foods for the past three days. eating. I just can't shut my mouth. After i eat my meals, i will eat junk foods straight away. One after another pulak tu! Yay..! Gain weight soon :) "Wah..bagos seh! You're one among those girls who eats with no worries" HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all my Chinese friends out there ! :) I can't stop singing chinese new year songs..wth! Gong Xi Gong Xi ! {Sunday, January 25, 2009 , 3:04:00 PM} I'm here again ha ha! Was about to start with my revision but suddenly feel like cleaning up my room. Da macam nak celebrate CNY pulak eh hahas xp Just finished up spring cleaning everything except the wardrobe. Let my sister do it. Tau nak goyang kaki je nie anak, pikir anak raja ke!? hish! Oh and i have something to share here. I currently watching Vasantham. Ha ha! Let me laugh first kay.. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA *continuously* Do you guys know a movie called 'Anak ku Sazali '? Dulu dulu zaman hitam putih...P.Ramlee nye cite? hahas, I was shocked to see that there's Tamil version for this!! Yes, there is. And i currently watching it. Sebiji sama sehh! I just find it funny, that's all =D {Saturday, January 24, 2009 , 10:21:00 PM} Happy 21st belated Birthday to Adel (: Semoga Adel sentiasa sihat, happy, always bless in things you are doing. and last long with my beloved Mar okay!? His birthday was on the last tuesday(20th January 09) Had so-called surprise belated birthday party for him. Me and Mar went to Bishan's swensen, bought Black Forest ice cream cake. Trained to his house at Redhill. Along the journey to his house was the kekek moments between we two. Kanchiong abes! Should video our face expression la kan ha ha ha! From the buying cake, train trip, "kau bawak lighter ke tak?'' till the very moment right in front of his doorsteps, damnn it just super kelakar rabak. Sampai pinjam lighter pat kedai..naseb tkyah bayar hurhur! Lucky Adel to have two birthday cake. Blackforest lagi! Envy you haha! One from Mar and another from his family..best kan?! Tapi kesian kena tipu die banyak kali so that things went smoothly. Glad to hear that you was SURPRISED to see us! Anyway we have to lie him that Mar nak hantar wakil untuk Adel but, frm what i know..lelaki yang hantar wakil, not the other way round haha. Boleh la, rembat je..janji menjadi =D By 5.30pm im out from his house, got to go off. Sorry guys but im sure i had a great time with you all. Nice meeting your family and Adik awak tu Cute..mata die bulat abes la kan! comel (: And thanks Mar for inviting me. sayang you! Trained to Bedok, meet Mak and Adek. Had satay! Been craving for it, and still craving for it now. Then walked around, do a bit of shopping here and there..and as usually, it's a must for me to shop for c h o c o l a t e s ! By the way, this Wednesday is my HRA CA. Therefore, i have to start revising now. I want to score well for this elective module..i really really want! Thanks to CNY, we all have a long break holiday..wee! So i have to make full use of this to do my revision. Good girl! Sorry LeeLee for not going to your family's pit due to time constraint..very verry sorry.. Take care readers..! {Friday, January 23, 2009 , 7:52:00 PM} Morning was seriously sucks BIG time. Was already late for school, i was rushing to the bus stop..not until bad, disgusting and unexpected incident happened at opposite blk. Right in front of my eyes, right in front of me! Only God knows how terrified i was, how scared and horrible it was. Was at the edge of crying. I have no one to talk to, no one to hold to at that time. And my prepaid was low..damn! Always happens at the wrong time. Won't elaborate more, cause it just damn freaking disgusting. The world is turning upside down, people are getting sicko! After school, lepak-ed at CemTa with Atikah Yana Fat2. Soon, Atikah and Fat2 have to go off. Good luck Atikah, don't stress up alright. You can do it! I'm sure you will do pretty well. And Ms Elfa wish-ed you Good luck too (: Then we lepak-ed with Haikal and Zie at studio cause we both had nothing else to do. So watch-ed them dancing, laugh laugh and laugh..! :D As much as i'm happy, and as much as i can't stop smiling Those little moments we shared, that's what it takes.. {Thursday, January 22, 2009 , 12:04:00 AM} ![]() ![]() I was all stressed up the whole day of yesterday. I just can't keep myself cool down and relax. I just so worried and panik-ing, and i dreamt about it when i sleep. Paranoid. Feel like crying. Too many things to focus on. Thank God, everything went fine. And i learn to have faith in things that i am doing, have faith with people around me. I'm trying.. Allhamdullilah, everything was perfect (: To my friends, thanks for coming down to watch us..till late for class, skip class and asked for 15mins break and off to Forum..hehe, thank you! Khai, thanks for the OCK curry puff..cam tau tau je kiteorg lom breakfast lagi hehe. I had a great day, very! After performance, we cam whore (standard). A lot of drama-mama between me Khai and Yana. Pretend to be sultanate, wedding event..different posing etc haha! Kekek or what!? Then we had our exchange CCA training. Taught HipHop dancers, Dan and Hirzi, our Malay Dance steps. I'm seriously amazed with them! Such a fast learner la sey! Zie are Yana's student while Dan are mine ha ha! A good teacher will create a good student *clap hands* Then we learn Hip Hop Dance..wah, my hands can cramp plus my legs can entangle..! Tkpe, was keen to learn, if have free time again, teach me alright Hana. Proceed to Singing class..hehe! SimSim Couched us, 'My heart will go on' ha ha ha! Titanic okkkkk...! ![]() Was a great experience! We went to Cafe1 accompanied SimSim then off home sweet home. {Sunday, January 18, 2009 , 10:07:00 PM} Alert! Busy bugs have caught me! See, i told you all earlier right, once school reopen. The first thing to haunt me is B U S Y N E S S :) That explain for my lack of update. Pity my blog. Been 5days straight having dance practise, been 5days straight i reached home latest at 9.30pm, And been 5days straight my body legs and hands aching all over my body. Still, i never get bore in dance..thank God no practise this weekends. Went JB with Mak and Adek on Saturday. As usual shop-ed for alot of things. A lot! For me, bought few unnecessary stuff, perfumes for myself and friends and none other than chocolates! Standard for me hehes :) Therefore, Sunday is the only day for me to finish up my over/nearly due assignment, HRA proposal and presentation, revision so on and so forth. This is because for this week, my schedule is totally pack like sardine dalam(inside) tin. Imagine me having dance practise for the whole weekdays. I have no time to do other things. Thou i have time in between before my practise..i won't be doing it because all i want to do is slack, chit chatting and dance. See, I'm such a slacker at times. So the only way to do my assignment is in class or dragged my friends to do it at level3 before proceed to studio. Cause by the time i reach home, I'm bloody exhausted, too tired to do anything as my body campur(plus) my brain will not be able function very very well. Despite all part of tiredness, all kind of fatigue that i encounter yesterday today and tomorrow, i still love school a lot, because i simply love it :) W E I R D O {Tuesday, January 13, 2009 , 10:32:00 PM} What a day to start of with ha ha! I am the 'pelajar tercontoh' (role-model for students). We were told yesterday that today's 8am class has cancelled. But this good student went to school at 8am, thinking that there is class. Two more stops to school, then i remember no class. Was to stress yesterday till i forgot everything hais! Thanks Shana for reminding me if not i will be waiting for you guys like moron (: Thanks to Rebbeca for accompanied me till 9.30am. I guess we both are the good students. Thank God at least I'm not alone today. When there's class, we didn't go but when there's no class we want to go. Overall everything was ok, had fun and was laughing our hell out! A lot of incidents happened. Accidentally cut my thumb abit while playing tennis during Sport and Wellness lesson. Then got this one guy who wanted to get to know me haha! Ok this part i really want to laugh, he was damn cute. First thing he did was, introduced himself. Ok i know it sounds not funny but if you were there with me, you should see how he did it..as in his reaction. Was hilarious! After training, we went dinner at Simpang Bedok together with Hizi Haicurl and Fadley plus Syafiq..and continue laughing... By the way, yesterday was our first meeting with the juniors. Well, quite number of people who turned up. Only a few who didn't, but its okay. Get to know each one of them, played games. Thanks to those games that i get to remember their names :) Perah otak nak hafal name! They are the first badge with the large number of people who signed up for Malay Dance, thank you so much! I hope the number will maintain for long period of time. They are not like my last year badge, very shy and quiet as a mouse. This badge are friendly, we can get along at least. Maybe because of the crowd that makes them excited..ha ha! Might be .. {Saturday, January 10, 2009 , 11:49:00 PM} ![]() ![]() ![]() ' ITE COLLEGE EAST IS THE FIRST SCHOOL TO STAGE MUSICAL IN ITS ENTIRELY ' First and for most, congrats to all actors actresses who was involved in this Grease Production. Enjoyed myself and I'm sure the rest felt that way too. Sat at the 3rd last row of the auditorium. Wanted to have the best seats by Yana came early but due to some problem we got the back seat. But its ok..we got the perfect view of all. We the Malay dancers sat together with Hana Hirzie and Mus plus Firah's boify too. Back to the story. They was so cute and hilarious too. Ha ha! So funny..and i like Kassim part when he was trying to learn to play guitar :) kamu cute ok! And oh, you can sing well huh Sim Sim..happy for you. We at behind was like a bunch of monyet terlepas memekak cheering for them and was singing along. suke or whut?! Yana was the only person among us who was damn hyper. Haha! Super hyper seh this girl, when she cheer..fulamak, her voice can cover the whole auditorium haha..kidding Yana ;) Thank God, no one around us was irritated by us..even if there is we don't bother haha. Thanks to them(Hirzie, Hana Lee2 Ren2) who can tolerate and tahan with us. Thank you! After the show, we went down to the stage. First, when to look for our Sim Sim. Congrats him a lot of times. We took pictures with him and few of the rest too. I was so jakon the day ha ha! Standard la kan, kate Raihanah mah xp Well, been going for a lot of dance/musical production lately huh!? I love to watch this kind of production. So interesting :) {Thursday, January 8, 2009 , 10:54:00 PM} Indeed school is such a fun place to be especially with friends around you. But i missed my first two day classes due to the CCA fair. Performed on the second day. Things went on smoothly for both the performances and the booth. This year we shared booth with the Hip Hop dancers. When 'the kecohs' meets another 'the kecohs', for sure more kecorable! We did stupid things in front of those people. Yea, we don't mind at all because we love doing it. We not only promoted our own CCA but also other's CCA, and created another new CCA which was Indian Dance xp ! Basically things are doing fine, so far so good. I love my first day of school. Good news after another. Few of my friends are attached. Congrats to them! To Shana, I'm so happy to hear about yours too, congrats kak :) And they asked me, "Bila kau nye turn pulak?" Haha! Soalan bonus .. :) Guees who's back home on the 5th Jan 09 !? Mak is back safe and sound. But was disappointed cause i didn't get to fetch her from Airport. Didnt perform on that day because i wanted to fetch her, and thanks to Abang..tak sempat nk amek Mak "Nanti laa, jap lagi. Masih siang lagi" Ape dahh..ini la namenye, over-confident.. And I have been laughing a lot for days, till i have sore throat since last two days. And after I'm all well for months, suddenly I'm down with fever late last night plus lari hidung (running nose). I think I'm too carried away because of the creepy incident during bcm lesson. We sat right behind the classroom and we heard someone was knocking the wall continuously. But went we touch the wall, it stop. Liana said that there's mayat(corpse) in the wall asking for help. So they start scaring me with all those nonsense. End up, i can't concentrated and i pushed my chair near to table with folded-legs on the chair. Scary OK! By the way went home with Lina today. She super kekek! Along the way, we shared endless stories after for so long didn't went home with her. Lamaaa gila knknkn?? Then out of sudden, nature calling!! Ha ha ha ! So we alighted at Eunos cause she cannot tahan anymore kwang3! Aiyoo kamu sungguh kekek! Sesungguhnya aku tak tau ape akan terjadi lau kau tahan sampai alek umah :D Till here. I need to knock off...so the-sleepy after eating those medicines. Nytes everyone. |