{Wednesday, December 31, 2008 , 11:06:00 AM} Dear God. Its coming to the end of 2008 and here comes 2009. I thank you for giving me wonderful journey this year and for the previous years. For giving me happiness and otherwise too. I'm glad this year i have learnt thousands of mini me ; inside and outside that i would have never imagine i have all this while. You have given me strength to go through during my setbacks, during my pitfalls. I'm proud that i manage to pull through with the help of your countless guides. Nonetheless, i thank you for the tests that you had put me through, tests that really makes me feel miserable and at worst, i felt that the world was against me. Yes! I do feel that for number of times. Those are the most eerie moments, most unwanted time that i never wish. No one would ever thought things would turn up this way, never. Tell me who doesn't want to be happy? But in whatever moment, i strongly believe, you won't test one that are not capable to be in it. I learnt from mistakes, trying not to repeat it in any form. Insyallah. Dear God, BIG thanks to you for giving me such a wonderful and awesome family and friends. Most significant people in my life. Their endless supports love care&concern are my strength while i at my pitfalls. Indeed they are there during my downs ; right behind me to catch me in any time in am. To my friends I know and i realized that i did make you friends in the hell of pain. But trust me, i never do it on purpose. Instead all this while, all this years, i tried hard to make things right between us. And now, I'm still trying. With all those quarrels we had, it just makes us closer. That's what i see. Know the 'us' even deeper. So i really am sorry if you friends are hurt in any way. Knowingly or/and unknowingly. It's natural, sometimes situation leave us with no choices. I thank you for making them be part of me. I appreciate them even more. 2008, a tough year yet a very memorable one. For 2009, the same old things i ask from you, Happiness, more love and love. No matter what, i really thank you for all this :) i really do. All the rest is out of my hands I will learn to let go what I cannot change I will learn to forgive what I cannot change I will learn to love what I cannot change But I will change, yeah I will change Whatever I, whenever I can' {Tuesday, December 30, 2008 , 10:59:00 AM} You look pretty here! Betol..i still love this pic :) ![]() ![]() Two thumbs up! The three main casts was awesome, and they really very did well! Terkekek-kekek satu satu bila part mamak tuh and that nerd boy ha ha! So romantic and sweet. That hero not bad, but i still prefer that Cute boy! RenRen layankan aku je haha! :) So not disappointed this time. Make something like this more alright! I want to go again! Antara persahabatan dan cinta. Seringkali dihimpit antara dua. Dua hubungan yanag sama ertinya. {Monday, December 29, 2008 , 5:41:00 PM} ![]() I too missing my friends, friends & my friends. Few of them came back from their trips. Supposedly, I'm away last few days, balik kampong with my Aunt because relative over there getting married. Due to school activities can't tag along. By the way, i have yet to meet my Sisterbiols and my Girlfriends up till now. Hm how eh ? All busy with works, and other stuff, just like me. Ha Ha ! Seems it's getting harder to get the all us out for a day. On the other side note, I'm super shocked to hear that Vietnam won over Thailand with aggregate 3-2. Well yes they played good. Vietnam did the best to create history, accomplished. Case like this, one must win or lose. Not because of someone support the team eh, prasan jangan mau lebih ye cik fiq xp Patah tumbuh hilang berganti. Adakalanya kite di atas, Adakalanya kite di bawah. {Sunday, December 28, 2008 , 11:47:00 PM} ![]() ![]() Had awesome day with my beautiful ladies. Today, I'm not the star karat, came at the time but have to wait for Iza for 1hour? Hm i don't mind because Raspberry Sundae was there to accompanied me. Atik, need to finish up her essay. Went to Open Plaza, watched Revalina and Hyrul Anwar perform. Thanks LeeLee for be the photographer of the day haha! Yela, kau kan adik sedara die, ape salah tolong aku ni kan ? (: Coincidentally meet Shana when we on our way out from the place. I really so excited seeing her. Guess i really miss her a lot. Tak sangka! I hugged her, and ape lagi amek gambar la hehe! Then had our bite at Food Culture. Meet Rendimon at Clementi Inter at 7.15pm. Then bus-ed to UCC to watch they production ; 'Buih Buih Sabun (Bubbles)- Patah Tumbuh Hilang Berganti'. When to the reserved tickets counter to collect the tickets as Ms Elfa has put aside for us. Thank you! Kind of early and they didn't allow us to enter till 7.50pm, it photo-taking time :) Over all, the production was fine, and i cant denied that it was nicely set-up with those enchanting lights. But there too many movement that i hardly concentrate on one plus the songs was slow2 mode like that. Fortunately, those hilarious scenes that makes me laugh like hell, those shitting scene with the tak-perlu-background-music hahaha! So i did enjoyed erm not sure if RenRen enjoy or not ? Seem like he's not :) Next, NYP production this Tuesday. I hope it way much better. I'm so can't wait to meet my dance-mate. You guys are missed ! {Saturday, December 27, 2008 , 12:30:00 AM} This uneasy feeling are killer. Im all weak, all scared and confused. I just feel hurt this way. It's like, one moment you are ok and, out from nowhere, you feel all-so worried, uneasy and feel like crying. Yes! Im lost for no reason. I'm angry with myself for no particular reason. I reallllyyy feel so the-gelisah, a very very one. At the corner of my heart, I know this might just be come-and-go feeling. I hope it nothing, nothing. {Friday, December 26, 2008 , 8:23:00 PM} Cotton On..still on sales! But was disappointed. The size that i want no more. Have but only those clothes that i dislike. Wasted hmph! Make our way to library, returned books. I really wanted to buy something since afternoon, a very strong feeling one. It didn't end there, tried luck at other shops, failed )': Thru out our way home i was complaining. I was really pissed. Bought Chocolate Sundae(me) and McFlurry(adek). Then Adek belanja me food. Good right?! She really know that i really in bad mood, too much complaining. So she shut-ed my mouth by treated me ha-ha-ha ! HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY ! Da Selalu-selalu la gi skola, jadi Adek sedara awak ni leh tumpang motor selalu hehes :) May you always happy in life and in love journey too xp ![]() ![]() HAZYRAH & MIZA too, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! May you two have a great day today and ahead. May your wishes come true. Allah bless you all (: && I hope it still not late MERRY CHRISTMAS, toddlers ! {Tuesday, December 23, 2008 , 5:21:00 PM} Dreamt about late-Nenek this morning. Oh God, how much i miss her. I seriously happy that i got to dream about her. Like serious, i am happy ! It's rather complicated, i hardly remember what occasion it was inside my dream cause all my relatives came over. Somehow like sending Mak or someone away. & on the calendar, circled 12 Dec. ha-ha-ha ! Whatever so, all i can remember is that i helped her to walk, all those stuff that i used to help her back then. Lastly, i hugged her veryyy tightly, very! Before that i said "Nek, Nana sayang Nenek" and i cried so badly while hugging her. When i woke up, i was crying while sleeping ? It so real and i feel like i really do hug and talking to her. I miss her dearly. No matter how far the distance between us, you are still very close to my heart. I really sayang Nenek a lot. That's all i need you to know (: I miss Mak too . I'm trying to finish up my LLA project in two days time. Yea ! GO NANA GO ! *supporting myself* {Monday, December 22, 2008 , 6:22:00 PM} I'm dressed in red and white (: Yes, just to support Singapore yesterday. But such a disappointment, no goal no score. Not even one. I'm all frustrated, frust-tonggek abess with the whole thing! Chances was there still they missed the score. Asyik outside aje, then that Agu also haiya. Wish i could move that goalpost. At least a goal, that's it. Hm shall not stress over it anymore. Nevertheless, Lions played so well. Sharil was good. You all did the best and still do us proud no matter what (: Good Job! For the final, i support Thailand. Kick those balls of Vietnam for me *winks* See those 50 thousands fans above? Look at those semangat faces. Just like me. Jiwe Singapore mah, what to do hehe. By the way, went with Shana, Haniz and her friends, Adan and his Co. Thanks Adan for the ticket and sorry guys, again im the super 'Star-Karat'. Was late,they went in first to book place. Butt this time im really late for a real good reason. Shana you know i know eh! Furthermore, the waiting minutes to contact Adan for the tickets was longgg. Can't get thru' him cos no network over there too many people.Congestion, serious one! New friends made. That Ika surely very the kecorable. Her laughter is one of a kind but she's cute haha. Overall, my evening was awesome. Had great time with them. After the match, when Mac but i had to leave early, am sorry. I hope you still not mad and majok-ing with me ehk :( verryyy sorry. Thanks to yesterday football match, i was late for my dance training this morning. Exhausted ! On a happy note, MAN U won against Liga De Quitoo 1-0 (: {Saturday, December 20, 2008 , 6:37:00 PM} H a p p y ! I was eating after I blogged for my previous post. A few minutes later 5.55pm(SG time), the phone rang. As usual Ayah asked me to picked up "Angkat, Mak agaknye". I picked up but silent on the other side. Strangely, I didn't hang up the phone like i usually do. So, Ayah left thought the person must dial the wrong number. I kept on saying "hello?" for countless times. Soon after, there's answer from the other side. The guy : Assalamualaikum. Me: Walaikumsalam. The guy : Siapa ni ? Me: Ermm, siapa ni eh ? ( Afraid it just a typical prank calls haha!) The guy: Saya dari Mekka, nak bbual dengan ibunya? Me: *smile from one ear to another ear* No wonder i didn't hang up, I got this strong feeling it's a call that I've been waiting for. I shouted for Ayah and Adek, Ayah rushed back to me..looked excited. This time, get to chit chat a bit longer than the previous one. I miss her voice allot, and she sempat loyar burok with me. I asked what's she doing & she replied " Tengah bebual la ni" hahs. Nak bergurau dengan anak die ... Mak also asked for her beloved Girl-Girl. Don't worry girl-girl is fine with us, she misses you too. But ever since you are away, she been sleeping with me every night without failed. Which never happened before Ahaha. Everyone had the chance to talk to her and hilangkan rinndduuuuu (: except for Abang. That day also he didn't get to talk cause he's working. I'm sooooooo really can't wait for her return..... { , 5:37:00 PM} Second week of holiday, and things are going pretty well for me. Training resumed back this week after a month break. How much i miss dancing, i seriously do. For now, no updates for our upcoming performances except CCA fair for the January intake. We have finished up all the steps, time for polishing. {Wednesday, December 17, 2008 , 10:46:00 PM} ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm starving right now. Didn't had a proper breakfast, ate 3 pcs of nuggets & McChicken(no drink) then had Chocolates McFlurry for late-lunch. I still prefer Oreo McFlurry. Thou it's Chocolates but for this case, Oreo is mucchh way better. Ok, im happy. Not regretted watching twilight, really. I highly recommended you people to watch..better with your special one haha! I want to watch it again, erm, any date? {Tuesday, December 16, 2008 , 11:08:00 AM} HAPPY BIRTHDAY KHAIRUL RASUL ! Have a beautiful journey ahead. May you always happy happy with the one you love.. Good health and success in whatever you do :D Sorry for my late wish..wanted to wish you at 12am but i forgot la seyy ! But i still gave you a call straight after i remember your birthday. At around 9pluspm? hehe..still i did wished you (: God Bless you . {Saturday, December 13, 2008 , 9:08:00 PM} Was little disappointed with the trip yesterday. Thought it was the cruise (above) that we going to take, but no. I didn't took any pictures of the boat that we ride. It's not really like a boat, there's still tables and chairs..but ya, not really to what i expected. No swimming pool, no beautiful stairs, no beautiful decor only simple Christmas decor. And for our lunch, just a packet of orange juice and peanuts!? Lagi kecewe beb :'( Overall, had fun with friends. took lotsa pictures and videos. Sway-ing our body as the boat moving. Thank God, i have no seasick, cos pity to look at those that keep on vomiting, really. They can't really enjoyed the beautiful scenery, pulau -pulau, the wide wide sea, the nice nice boats that passed our boat, just like how i get to enjoy all of that. From the fresh-excited looking faces to the pale-boring like 'tapai basi' faces ha-ha-ha ! serious! i compared those pictures from the beginning till the end. Alot of differences sia! hurhur ! Had our lunch at LJ. Asked for 2pcs of chicken, he gave me the 3pcs nye meal. Since I'm hungry so i won't say much. Soon i realised i got 4pcs of chicken in total haha! That person like me i guess (: Around 2pm Liana accompanied me collect my passport. Standard, i hate those very, very long queues. Then proceeded to Arab Street, accompanied Liana find that Anglia Shop. At the same time, go search for the printing shops. Yup, we explore the place with our slack home clothes and our 'tapai basi' face from the |