{Wednesday, January 30, 2008 , 12:27:00 AM} sorry if the pix is not nice :D im starting to miss people right now. especially those babes at the above pix. including the photographer(ernie) & not to forget teletub(farah)..didnt get to join that dae. guess this was the last reunion we had together right. wahh, lame sak. btw,kecik&ernie..abt the outing tuhh im not comfirm orytes. cos im involve in chingay. so, scare clash lurr. apart from this babes... im missing my mrprince(hys my distance cuz.guess so) yang udah punya ceweks tp tk ngasi tao same gue. hahaks.de myspace pon useless.bukn nk eply comments/messages gue. he told me tat weneve he call-ed me, de satu cowok yg angkt.lols. life is getting bored here. with me having no job. org tua2 slalu kate : abeskn beras pat rumah.damn. so all i do if i have no date is playing psp..chatting..slacking hard at home etc. yes, that's how bored i am. thank goodness im having practise today's evening. will meet hizan first.btw, thanks hizan. gosh,yuyingians are like monkeys. they're screaming like it the end-of-the-world. guess,they having their fire-drill practice.aha selamat la ey korg. ((: {Tuesday, January 29, 2008 , 2:31:00 PM} my tag-board is dead =x do tag before u left.thanks. Do you know where your sister is rightnow? -school. What is something new you've learned about yourself recently? - lazy gal. What color is your watch? -whity. Do you like anyone? -naww. Do you know of anyone who likes you? -oh yes! What is the name of your school? -currently not schooling. What are you listening to right now? -raindrops what are you doing right now? -chatting with zack & ili...doing this thingy. What is/are your favorite color/s? -purple-blue (: Closest thing to your right? -my laptop What t-shirt are you wearing -vondutch Do you have a brother? -yesh i do. Time you were born? -hahacks.*thinking* Do you know anyone who is engaged? -yeshh3. Whats your favorite number? - im so inlove with no 2. Do you know someone named Glen? -glenn fredly? What color is your mom's hair? -black Do you have a dog? -first thing, I HATE DOG. no Do you remember singing any songs as akid? -erms,yep? When was the last time you wentswimming? -26th december 2007. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? -this morning. Did you ever go to camp as a child? -i guess no? Do you like fire, wind or water? -wind & water? Are you allergic to anything? -nahhs. When was the last time you cried? -24th january 2008. FCUK! Do you like butterflies? -love dem! What is one thing you miss about yourpast? -the moments we shared. Have you ever seen your school principal? - duhh! Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? hell yes. kindergarten teacher *innocent face* Are you jealous of anyone? -yesh with everyone aha. Is anyone jealous of you? -guess no? Ever been stuck in an elevator? -dun wish to. What does your mom call you? -nana What does your sibling/s call you? bro: nana. adek: kakak what does your friends call you? -rihanna,nana,kak nana, kecik, sibiol, raihanah. What does your hair look like rightnow? -like makcik-makcik. Has a friend ever used you? -well, lets forgive & dun forget hahaha! Has anyone recently told you that theylike you? -uh huh :D What have you eaten today? instant Maggie. How old were you when you first gotten into fight? -erms, primary 5. Are you close with your siblings? -so call yesh Where were you yesterday? -hommy. Do you listen to other people's advices? -yerps...depends. {Monday, January 28, 2008 , 10:31:00 AM} trip to jb was not a waste. though i didnt get to buy few of my stuff there. infact, none. its very fun..hilarious when me and mom was finding my dad & bro and abg jibad. padahal dorg da de pat dlm van.haha & abg was like membebel with mom all the way (: otw to jb & home Sweet home till night i kept playing with psp.really. i didnt even realise whats happening every moment except when i heard loud sound plus big honks from the cars behind. gosh, i tot it was an accident & i was frighten. our van's bonnet suddenly opened up & all of the shopping stuff dropped in the mid-road. waahh,veryy scary(!!) abg jibad & bro rushed down to picked those up. thank god, the road is not heavy traffic. && alhamdullilah everyone was fine except for those plastic bags that was thorn hahacks. ((: {Saturday, January 26, 2008 , 5:46:00 PM} my today's horoscope : One or two minor setbacks will pop up today, but they shouldn't slow you down for too long. In fact, by requiring you to slow your pace and take a break, they will probably be doing you a favor! There is someone who has been trying to get your attention for quite a while, but it seems like you've been a bit too busy to notice them there on the sidelines, waving their arms in the air. Be open to new conversations and you will make someone's day a brighter one! hahacks..well its true. its 100% true. no doubt. tomoro will be away to jb for one day hahacks. im excited (!) ((: { , 12:33:00 AM} its quite obvious that im not that satifised with my results. okay..i've disappoint my parents, friends relative, but i did my best & infact i studied for this like hell. my parents could see how i worked hard for it. people can criticized me and so on..go ahead. u will not be entertain & ignore(!) so im now still thinking about further my studies... well...basically i wanna thanks to my lovelies when im feeling like *toots* thats day. i really dontknow what will happened without u people. i wanna thanks especially to ms ida hahacks.. ur advises is really effective to me...useful for me to think & think & think really deep. hahhacks...u're quite fun and cute till u say "pls pardon my language" ... haha... ortye...nw what ever will the results be, i will accept it.really... though it will takes the longer path, i will go thru it till i get what i want.. so...thanks lovelies (: && mine keypad ENTER da terkeluar gitu..so cam susah sikit and rongak. tk canter gyler. gonna fixed it but dont know when... ((: {Thursday, January 24, 2008 , 10:21:00 AM} my my my....im all tensed ryte now.. bikin ne tk kena bikin tu pon tk kena. few hours andd i gonna deal with it soon. im mean reaall soon. yesterday night i was sleep-less. can't shut my bloody eyes! my eyes just wont sleep sia & i keep on looking at my hp. glyer kan tkde kena-mengena siol. so i say my prayers and doa alot. praying that god give me strength && peace my mind for that night to sleep haha. eventually i managed to relax and told myself that everythgs gonna be alryte. think positive && off to LALA land :D woke up this morning damn early than usual. try to contact aiman and still cant get thru'. bodo uhs! K was surprised received my call this morning haha. sorry la eyy ganggu but i need to talk to someone & feel like scolding people too. semalam dpt tau bad news ..not really that bad news laa.. just that it makes me feels so disturbed. due to that i cant sleep too. imagine u're tensed about somethg important then u get to know something that bothering you. comfirm u even more stress-up, right? tupid me dontknow why its really bothering me tp i try to ignored la eyy.. its lil bit difficult to say it here but i promise i wont tell anione about whats happening. or maybe someone will only know or maybe no one know even better hahah well, now i hate my blogskin again. i just changed it ystrday though. hate to the core. && feel like colouring my hair too...then soon i gonna perm my hair(maybe) biase laa org nga stress so tend to think,say and do lame stuff. like what i just did yesterday........WHOAA! {Wednesday, January 23, 2008 , 7:48:00 PM} im so stressful gyler. with few more hours for the results...andd my feelings now is lyke rojak. adding with all this people around me keeping saying: "nana da prepare utk besok?"....."kak this thursday is the olevel result taw"...."tomoro is your big day"...."ape course nk amek??" " hello, bsk results. nervous tk?" haiss....this people is so excited gitu ehh..padahal im the one who will be taking the risk. but, i know u lovely people really concern about me.thanks i appreciated. nervous da tkyah cakap la oke..da macam2 rase aku ne sekrg... so, to forget about this(for awhile), i meet up with hizan, farah, amira and ira.. god, they are extremely hilarious siol. went to ira's house & we lepak-ing ard ira's blk there while amira having her so call-ed tuition with hizan and "mr eric" haha then proceeded to"pg" playing around, jumping. ira & farah lyke have nothing-better-to-do. take candy pitcha of us..HAHA! most of it is amira's pix. she's cute with her mini-voice :D guess what, i just realised that i have not link hizan up..rabaks! && she was so like relax(!) like nothing will happen tomoro. and lotsa things happened gituu till i dontknow what to post. btw, i have deleted most of the pitchas in my friendster and myspace. feel so rimas with banyak-ness of the pitchas. so i upload latest pitchas onlyy.. i also feel like irritate with my previous blogskin so i just change the new skin. && now i miss aiman..it's been long tyme since he text me. i have a lot of things to tell && share. what's happening here andd there...about the results...blablabla you like so ketinggalan seyy without knowing about me now. boy, pleeasee message me if u are reading this ((: {Tuesday, January 22, 2008 , 1:26:00 PM} went down to school this morning to pay outstanding fees. if not i will not get my o's results shit ler..wake up early morning just for that. padan muke aku laa for delaying it. arrghh! results is on 24th January 2008. not on 25th! now its like one day early than what i know previously. now 2 days left for the results(!) YA ALLAH. seram siol. i still have not decide anything yet..even which polytechnic to go to. so useless lehh me. my brain just wont work after 2 months slacking at home doing nothing.. "teacher, can i have homework?" my brain need something to do..please! hiass. wadeve it is, i have to deal with it. lambt2 pon i still have to accept the fact if i pass or otherwise. CLICK! {Monday, January 21, 2008 , 11:51:00 AM} yesterday at coast sand resort was havoc gyler. the chalet was lil small yet happening gituu.. everybody was busy with their own thingy but i was was buzy looking after this 3 kiddos as their parents was busy entertain their visitors. hanye allah yang tau betapa capeknye gue tp aku sukeeee... they are always my lovelies cuties babies nk mampos. ahahs macam macam hal..yg adek nye laen...yang abg nye laen. shameer tk abes2 nk pi swimming..at first i tot i was wrong for bringing hym there. terpakse dukung die aleq takot nnt die lari terus masok pool lak..maut tuh. but luckily his mom's fwen was there menyelamatkan keadaan.pheww. amirul haziq lak suke nah merayap..walk here and there. so i have to run after hym. da macam maen catching lak. wadeve it is i enjoyed myself especially with my lovelies. shameer was like the birthday boy yesterday. all of the presents he want. during cut the cake he also want to "interframe" tough it was princess fareesha(his lil sisiter) birthday hehe..tkpe la..lgpon dak2 pe.. what do u except. && i was so jealous with fareesha. she received losta presents siol. i guess 20-30 presents. or maybe more then that. the car's bonnet could not fixed in those presents & have to put some at the back sit. WHOOA! how i wish i could turn back time and be little kid again ((: {Saturday, January 19, 2008 , 4:49:00 PM} t i r e d. just come back from practise. the weather was hot hot and getting hotter. syukur today teduh skt..tu pon sekejap jek todays theres changes here and there..all of the formation has changed except for the steps only remain the same. lunch time aku cam bodo gitu.penat2 queue skali uncle kap "its bette to have one line queue" so aku kena join the opposite queue. sak uhs..da nk kat amek mee tu skali kena join that bloody long queue. aku pe lagy, tk jd queue uh..share nasi dgn chacha je. aku pon cam bacin terhegeh-hegeh nk makan. padan muke aku. abg hambali accidentally bring home kak huda's keys with hym..ahaha. kekek gitu we terpakse tunggu die patah aleq..punye laa lmbt tunggu mamat ne. proceeded to hg mall. inside the bus me and chacha sempat tido sak.aha. penat siol. then bought fareesha's birthday present. look for chacha stuff. HOME SWEET HOME. i am thinking of deleting my friendster photo. cam rimas uhs manyak sak gambar. abeh nk view satu2 cam leceh beb. i thought of uploading the latest pic. i have done for my myspace. tapy cam tknk lak takot menyesal gitu. btw.... i know when the olevel result. its on 25th January 2008 (friday) at 2.30pm :D oh god, please save me. i can prepare for my grave now.damn it. {Friday, January 18, 2008 , 10:47:00 AM} ![]() our nyah's outing with my GF was superp. went for shopping again (; we met at bugis MRT station and proceeded to bugis village. i wanna buy one of the shirt but yah i am type of person who have difficulties in making decision..so ku batalkn niatku tu HAHA. so my GF bought their own stuff only. then went to next store. surprisingly, GF ifah bought me a so called dress which is pink in colour. ifah: mane baju yg kau nk beli? me: aku tk jadi beli laa. ifah: tunjuk kn aku la mane tau aku nk beli. me: gile eh kau, yg tady aku tunjukkan tu ape... ifah: jom pergi kedai tu lagi aku rase aku nk beli. so we went to that store again. instead of asking me abt the shirt, she asked if the dress she holding is nice to me or not. i said that white dress is like natural beauty but pink is sweet. she went to the counter and paid. GF mar asked if that for rai(me)? then she noded. i was like : "NO! miss, please keep that blaus....we are not buying." but too bad lambat setapak. ALAMAK terpaksa aku terima baju tu. coincidentally we met ika, zul, my bro&syuk. then off to TAKA to give my working shirts back. its photo taking tyme! then we walked from TAKA to PS. biasak laa da kena adult fare so must save2 sikit luhh.damn. have our lunch at delifrance and GF ifah again treat me one orange juice. ILY laa GF! then head to Marina square. have our dinner at LJS then slack at there for 2 hours HAHA biase laa kwn keje sane pe so uat la mcm kedai sendiri (: THEN HOME SWEET HOME. sorry for not reply-ing & answer-ing SMSes & callers. when im with my lovelies, i tend to forget the world :D by the way, can someone tell me the REAL date for the olevel result? im confused with the date(s) that has been giving by people ard me. i know it on this month but on which date? 22 24 25 28 or 29??? so which? please people do tagg-ed or buzz me ASAP(!) i reaallly need to know so that i can prepare for my own grave....... {Tuesday, January 15, 2008 , 9:17:00 PM} ![]() i watched above movie. yea. it's nice indeed the jalan citer is excellent. i loike AHAHAH (: the soundtracks is nice & i gonna find those songs. && i also found the most funniest Japanese games ever. (for me laa) i laughed till cried and would repeat it again & again. the game call-ed : human tetris. i recommended you people to watch both of it (",) you can watch it at www.youtube.com {Monday, January 14, 2008 , 1:03:00 PM} yesterday talk-ed with MR K till 12 am HAHA. we talk-ed craps, about hys probs and so on but the most i interested is about MR A. he told me everythg. no wonder hes been behaving lyke this last yr. my doubts plus questions about MR A has found the answer. it is soooo unbelieveable. ok ok although its not more to me but in someway i am related to this matter. sape la mulut busuk uat rumors. in the end he treat me like this all this while. hais.... cant imagine my past life is coming back after years im trying to forget about that. GOD, help me! really scare for the truth..what awaits me tomoro???? that tupid MR K keep on bombing me tupid qns. thats really frigthen me.. "what if MR A like this la that la blablabla...." bising sak mamat sorg ne..AHAH! enuf about this...let move on about somethig else. feeling: dead do u have any plans KUEEN? hope this week outing with GF will not be cancelled... its look like my tagged board gonna be dead...GOSH! pleasee do tag me before leave ok..i love to entertain u people. THANKS (: {Saturday, January 12, 2008 , 9:40:00 PM} HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHEYMAH! so sorry for my veerrry late wishes...i know u expect me to be the first on to wish you today. but i let ur expected down AHAHA! maap la yer..tk kn mara kot. nnt aku kasi kau present k very the busy woman nyari laa... SORRY! {Friday, January 11, 2008 , 9:02:00 PM} looks like i still cant face the fact that he's gone. each day i keep thinking of hym.. previously when arwahnye hidop no, but now yes. reaaallly feel the lost of him. his news makes me back to my sense and teach me the meaning of true appreciate. live still on and we just don know when ours..hope you happy there. AL-FATEHA. few days back when shopping sakan with GF! gile kebabian sak.. went out to make myself bz to forget about abg..didnt know shopping really can makes someone jadi gile and forget about ourselves too :D btol nye shopping and we bought lotsa stuff... tk tau bape byk kali round that bugis village..total about 4-5 places we went. WOW! leh mampos sak..legs, arms..in short my whole body is aching..HAHA..padan muke nk travelling sangatkn...reach home late night. of course those hilurious moments did happened..i guess i will not mentioned it here. kekek giler. tomoro will be out for chingay practise..hais! its fun & i enjoy it but i cant take it when its damn hot sunny day..i hope the weather will be just fine, no rain and burning sun...AHAHA! && now i cant wait to know the secrets...gonna persuade K to tell me soon *evil laugh* {Wednesday, January 9, 2008 , 10:55:00 AM} PEOPLE! im here again after so long have not blogged. i know it ablit too late to blog for the new year. so my resolution this year is that i wanna change for good..new life(be a better lady haha) change anything that i could. do good things to everyone & cherish my love ones. i wanna appreciated each and eveyone of you before its too late....... last year was my independent year for me. lotsa sweet moments happened and i loved it. so i hope this year will be even sweetest and memorable one. okay2...early of this year dah mcm2 terjadi. sad sweet surprised moment happened. the surprised things was that he confessed to me. mak oit! anjat girl2. haha..da aku kap kau to gile tknk percaya. yesterday morning received bad news about ZAID my only abg angkat passed away. its so sudden. reaaallly shot my head & especially your love ones. tot they wanna prank me so i wake my bro up and asked hym.i went to the wake. yesterday too much cried give me headache. just cant accept the fact till now that hes gone. i dreamt of hym too..miss hym much. know hym since primary sch. hes too young to go first. will miss your laughter & things that owaes makes me irritated. daa takdir. we will never know when ours. we all here will doa and remember u. you have committed alot for the schools,society and mostly do your part as a good friend. you're such a nice guy, abg. i hope u may be peace there and we all will miss u. to those that knew hym pls do pray for hym ok.. |