{Sunday, September 30, 2007 , 10:36:00 AM}

It just the matter of time
&& now I'm afraid of the truth.

You will never expect
for things to change
this fast right?

{Friday, September 28, 2007 , 5:27:00 PM}

HELLO there readers...how are you?
Long times i have not update my blog.
Obviously, i didn't have the time to sneak in to the net..
I'm busy-ing with my studies & etc. I mean really busy.
i need to focus right now with my studies and no more fooling around.
It's like 20 days left for my O-LEVEL gitu...minus Saturday,Sunday and wadsoeve holidays
i left with 0 more day..ZERO!
so it's really stressful weeks for us(o-level students).
Not to forget N-level students too..they're having their major exam this coming week...
oh my...aren't u guys scare? panic or no feeling at all??
To my teletub:
"All the best !! Selamat utk kau dulu den aku nye turn..haha!
Double check your work before you hand up and remember baca BISMILLAH" ((:
ohyahh! Last Tuesday i went to TTSH for my check-up.
Like i told u guys in my previous blog...for injection.
Even though the medical cost is free for us still i don't enjoy "FREE PAIN"
it's painful okay.. i was like stunt and quickly walk-ed off the room once the nurse said OK.
&& today is the result. NEGATIVE...pheww!
the red spot on my left hand is not that red & big so it shows good sign.
so I'm free from TB *peace*
but i have to go for another 2 more jabs..*sign*
To my other classmates+teachers that get POSITIVE and need to go for x-ray,
GOOD LUCK HUH...heex! sorry
it 16 days of our fasting month..i have not miss any one of the day..cool!
Furthermore i lazy to pay back for the days that i will miss...so better not.
Ok la, that's all for today.
I'll update more if have time to update..
see u when i see you
TATA ((:

you must be
thinking that
i cant get over you.

{Wednesday, September 19, 2007 , 4:34:00 PM}

At last i'm 17! SWEET 17 okay..that's what i want!!
My birthday this year is speacial abit..
Firstly, Im sweet 17 .
Secondly, it falls during the month of Ramadan( fasting month) .
Lastly, i can't celebrate with my besties ( is that consider as special too?)

I would like to thanks to those that wish-ed me..
&& to those that give me the birthday present too...
I'd appreciate it alots.
Hmm, nothing much happen-ed today lah as it is the fasting month mahh..
so no much energy.
Someone ask-ed me :
"ey, tk celebrate ke nari?''
well, i want to but i olso dont know.
mayb i will order pizza or eat outside with my family jek..
which one ehk??
btw, nxt wk i need to go for check-up due to some confidential reason
...injection sia...damn scary!
It's like 3 weeks for 3 times injection..
u imagine =.=''

But, i swear..today I'm so happy lyke hell..
part of my wish list did came true..YEAH!

Happy shalalalalala :D

I swear i will never hurt u EVER AGAIN.

{Friday, September 14, 2007 , 5:41:00 PM}

It's the second day of the fasting month for Muslim people.
&& i feel the blessing in this month.
today, without knowing that i was nominated for the praise award;
Bet you that i was staggered and nervous when my name was mentioned in front of the school.
Though I've been to stage for countless time
yet the nervous-ness are still in me.
I was damn paisey plus not only take the certificate,
i need to take a picture with the P..damn malu-malu.
The feeling was indescribable at that moment. HAHA!
hmm, i guess i am a good person with a good heart..am i right? LOL
During the chemistry lesson, we went to the lab for our practical practise. I determine to concentrate during out practise because it was our second last practical before our Os start. Besides, my Prelim2 result for practical was a super nightmare.
At least, I'd learnt something new and i managed to do well just now
*thumbs up*
Everything is perfectly alright and i am back to myself for today...
but don't know if the following weeks I'll be like this again ):
Only i know what's happening and i swear i will not tell anyone.
After school, got the maths remedial, then slack in the
canteen with my baby, nad, su & hazyrah.
Then went home at around 2 plus.
yeah..home sweet home ((:
Btw, it's one of my friend's birthday today..so
It's hard to believe
what i couldn't see
but you always
there beside me.

{Sunday, September 9, 2007 , 3:56:00 PM}

Alamak .. school re-open lah tomorrow
I'm damn lazy after this one whole week
Hyes, I'm addict-ed with this song that I've upload.
It's so lyke my love lahh..
I loike !!
No matter how far
you'll be
I'll always pray for you,love

{Saturday, September 8, 2007 , 11:35:00 AM}

Yuhoo...your lies has been revealed.
What has happened is just small part of it..
not the thrill yet :D
After this few years you have lie to us, don't forget..
the time for you to face the consequences will come..
berani buat berani tanggung lahh.
At times, my heart go all out to you but too bad you choose the wrong path.
I knew that you are 'mentally disturb' but by right, you have a lot of ways to deal with it.
if by left...i don't know lahh HAHA.
hmm..well, i wish u all the best :x
p/s: insaf lah wahai kawan-ku
&& I'm here still craving for chocolate fudge. *drool*
yeah, at last i'm going out late!
ohya! my tag board is still sux as ever
S.O.S is needed here !
I know the feeling
are still in us.

{Friday, September 7, 2007 , 2:59:00 PM}

GOD~I'm damn sleepy now. But my eyes just won't shut..
&& ii have a toothache which is killing me right now. Even though i don't relish with this pain,
i hope this pain will last till tomorrow evening. I don't want to come down to school lah.
I don't want to clean my garden class! I sms-ed my T that i will not be coming down tomorrow but no respond. Praying that he will accepted my reason.
I went to POA remedial just now and I'd yawn-ed countless times. ha ha. The lesson was drab & I knew M.S was distracted by me. It's beyond my control pe.
But, thanks to her that she released us an hour earlier. YEAH!
If not, u will find me sleeping at there :D
I was incensed and da tak kuasa with that someone disposition.
I guess my nice-ness is not worth & worse not appreciated at all..This has happened a lot of times and yet i tried not to be a impertinent person. I had had put my very best voice tone and nicer words to talk to you but it's wasted. 0k if this is what you want..MS NICE no more!
Yea, happy or not that's your business. I can't be bother with this nonsense thingy anymore. Our 'busy-ness' must make us not contacted with each other for a few weeks && i thought you must have changed. At lest, slightly to someone more polite. Sadly, no!
Well, hopping that 'someone' maturity go hand in hand with he/she all this while.
Maybe i am too kind sampai orang pun pijak kepala aku. ok-ok enough about that.
I'm craving for chocolate fudge now. Ermm, can someone buy for me?
oh please..............

My world is not completed
after you took
your love away.

{Thursday, September 6, 2007 , 12:16:00 PM}

Look, I'm not in the good mood now. My tag board is sux!
I my own self cant even tag on my own tag board..what's this?
why huh? so the *toot* .
&& today i was supposed to go out with my deary but was cancelled. I don't blame anyone lahh..
and I'm not angry with anyone . But I was little sad-sad because i was like soooo semangat want to go out but suddenly cancelled. hm mm, OK if my deary read this don't ask me if i am angry at you or not..because I'm not. serious ok...aku tak marah lah..hehe :D
Looks like i am a good girl. Indeed i am (^^,)
For a few days i was stuck at home..and i need to go out before my brain stop functioning. LOL
hopefully this weekend menjadi lah. aku betul-betul bosan duduk pat umah .
In the morning, that TTY msg-ed me. Asking we all to come down to school this saturday just to clean the classroom?!
Yeah..at least i get to go out but not to clean the classroom lah dehy...
like it or not we still have to come down if we love to bear with the consequences..which i don't relish at all...
It's better if i go then do other 'things'..ha ha!
I guess those plants in my 'garden classroom' died. No one has to water the plants this solid one week as their ANGELgardener is on holiday..ha ha ha.
nevermind, this Saturday the plants will get some water and hopefully they can still survive.
ohyah, im fasting again today. I told yah i am a good girl.
&& i am addict-ed with HSM's songs ..weeee~
why must it be
this way,even though
this is not what we wish for.

{Wednesday, September 5, 2007 , 12:05:00 PM}

Everyone around me loves me! Even if they don't tell me but i knew it (:
I'm happy when i am loved by them. Especially my parents.
Today I'm fasting. Alhamdulillah! I need to repay those days that i missed from my previous fasting month. Just now my mom wake me up at 4 plus for my sahur.
I ate half boiled egg and a cup of hot Milo...my mom made it. I'd appreciated it.
That's when i know that she really sayang me. Ermm, actually every single day i know she do sayang me hehehx!
Not to forget my friends. I love them to the max. They are wonderful.
They have this x-factor in my life *winks* .
Yes, they are my xtra-rainbow. hahahahx! Sorry don't be jealous because you don't have this kind of friends in your life. oh, u did have?! wow...that's wonder-great!!
Friends, I'll cherish those moment i had with you . I will never mad at you. (even if i am, i wont tell yah heh) && please do treasure me too :P
All this years we went through thick and thin, happy and sad moment together. That's sweet...
ohyah, maybe you guys think i am crazy for writing this sentimental-blog.
I am showing how i appreciated you people here because today i just feel that i am loved by people around me..cannot mehh?!

I'll treasure you
in my every single seconds...
the sentence i love you
are just hard to say.

{Tuesday, September 4, 2007 , 3:06:00 PM}

here ii am again all alone at home in de morning..
none of my family members in the house except me..&& at this tyme,
my boredom was freaking highhh....so, ii took some pix of myself ehehx~
erm, then ii karaoke untill my lil sis came back home from school.
Yahh, im sick and tired staying at home doing nothing ok..i want to go out ..
cant wait for school re-open lahh..
&& this thursday planned to go out wibb my deary .. yuhoo~
actually, ii wanted to revise earlier for my o's but dontknow why my heart
lyke keep on saying DONT! haiss....
Yesterday go angmokio. wasted my tyme.
That stupid shop close oreadi...i wanted that bag lahh..some more so cheap.
gong-gong...ii show my tantrum. nort worth at all..the shop will not be there animore.
dontknow whr they gone to..
The novel books that ii borrowed was good..i lyke the 'LAGU RINDU'
veryy the romantic you know.
now, ii have nothing to read..both novel i have finished reading.
what? u want me to read my sch textbk?!
errmmm, haha..ok then. but not now..weeeeee~
the feeling that ii have
may turn out to be last.

{Monday, September 3, 2007 , 11:29:00 AM}

heylo there (: It's been 2 days ii didn't update my bloggy..
Nothing special happened && nothing to update too hhehx~
well, school holidays has start mean no school yeah! no need to see those crappy teachers..opss sorry.
this one whole week ii got nothing to do..so maybe ii slack ard in da house and read those novel ii borrowed from library..
this morning, my papa was so good. He bought for me breakfast..thanks! But, my mama has bought for me first...hahacks! Still ii ate wad papa bought for me..kecian die, da belikn utk aku skali mak lak da beli kn dulu. see..how both of them love me..muach!!
Yesterday was noris's birthday..i cant go for the party..so sorry!
ohyahh..today's the start of the n-level. my teletub must be stressing dowink the malay's paper at this tyme..hehehx! all the best darwink! ... hmm...must study hard ok. Yea, same goes to me too..
time pass so fast..& 2007 will end soon too..the month of ramadhan is what ii cant wait for..yuhoo!
[ btw, ii just dont understand why people now a days lurp to be a poser..love to act childish.
Settle things in childish ways & worse it does not even settle anything but make things more even worst.
hais..some young kid lyke to act like teenage...some teens luv to act a fool..
but worse if some kids trying to act like youth?? ohmy, that's so lyke bull ok. comfirm tak menjadi nyer. That's why things will go like shit~ nonsense shit~
hmm...why jus these people be wad they are && stop disturb others live..
Entah lahh...i olso dontknow what to say.
ii just cant be bother wibb this kind of people. Get a life lahh... ]

About Me

Turns oneyear older on 19sept
I'm talkative and happy-go-lucky
Appears strong but never will be.
Muslim and i proud of it.
Searching for sumthg that last long.
Currently happy with what i have.

As time passed

August 2007, September 2007, October 2007, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008, February 2008, March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008, December 2008, January 2009, February 2009, March 2009, April 2009, May 2009, June 2009, July 2009, August 2009, September 2009, October 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010, April 2011, June 2011, July 2011, August 2011, September 2011, December 2011, February 2012, March 2012, December 2014,

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